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演出 Concert ● Don Vito / 德国 Germany

Don Vito的三位乐队成员都成长于前民主德国时期。莱比锡,著名的音乐之城,巴赫、门德尔松、肖邦均与这座城市结缘。到了二十世纪九十年代,一个D.I.Y.摇滚场景在莱比锡初见雏形,众多亚文化参与者和音乐家们汇聚在这里自我管理、建设着他们的社区。Don Vito这支乐队就是在莱比锡成立的。
人们实在是找不出某一种或某几种风格来定义Don Vito的音乐,于是乐队说,“就让我们暂且称它为超级无秩序动感器乐(hyper kinetic instrumental noise tohubohu)吧!”乐队的名字来自于美国电影《教父》中由马龙·白兰度饰演的老教父——瑭·维托·科利昂(Don Vito Corleone)。老教父是混沌社会秩序的维护者,新教父是和平社会里不择手段的商人;生活于不同的社会背景和成长经历,前者更了解社会底层人民生活的艰难和受欺压的困境,表现为天下为公的正义审判者。混沌与秩序,是Don Vito的音乐哲学——他们玩的是亢奋的、紧凑的、强大而富有力量的节奏噪音,无秩序的鼓点与音符所组成的,却是秩序分明的噪音大合奏。
Don Vito从2005年至今进行过22次规模不等的巡演(包括2009年的中国巡演)。乐队发行过4张专辑,以及4张与其它乐队合作的split。除了最近发行的两张split在售之外,其它唱片均已售罄,供不应求的情形让乐队在2013年3月推出了一张精选了17首歌的限量版12寸黑胶。Don Vito也参演过很多音乐节,让乐队印象较为深刻的是2008年在挪威参加的By Alarm音乐节,在该音乐节举办的同时,奥斯陆还有另一个大型的商业音乐节也在风风火火地进行,乐队分别收到了来自这两个音乐节的邀请,而他们所选择的By Alarm恰好是一个抵制后者的另类独立音乐节。

Don Vito are a Leipzig three-piece that bash out playful and naive yet shrill and abrasive noise rock. It sounds like the soundtrack to a cartoon children's disco in a steel factory. The band’s description of their music “hyper kinetic instrumental noise tohubohu” couldn’t be any more accurate. The moment Don Vito let a bit of chaos out of the sack all appendages within hearing distance begin to fidget hysterically. It is like being hit with the spray from a machine gun. Welcome the apocalypse of rock smiling at you from three lunatics who appear to thrash at their instruments more than to play them. But somehow they never loose continuity in this chaos of interwoven high speed-grooves. Don Vito does not need to follow the rules; the rules have learned to follow Don Vito. Remarkably, they are free from genre and categorization. They have delightfully blended postpuberty carelessness with just a touch of self-irony. From now on, you will no longer have to think of that brainless wanker from Jackass when you hear the name Don Vito, but rather of that kick-ass band from the bowels of Germany.


时间 Time

2014.05.11 09:20 - 10:20 pm


场地 Venue

华侨城创意园北区B10现场 B10 Live, North District of OCT-LOFT


演出者 Artists

Heiko - 吉他 Guitar

Susi - 贝斯 Bass

Christian - 鼓 Drums


网站 Website

豆瓣小站 Douban Site

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