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演出 Concert ● Hong Haier 红孩儿 / 法国 / 意大利 France / Italy

弗朗索瓦·R·坎布萨,吉他手,策划人,歌手。他在世界各地演出已逾4000场次。一开始,他作为低音提琴手登台演出,而后转而吹奏萨克斯(17岁时他曾与爵士乐名家迪兹•吉莱斯皮在纽约久负盛名的蓝色音符俱乐部同台演奏)。一次对伊基·波普(朋克音乐教父)的采访后,他从美国蓝调音乐的忧郁中走出开始转向摇滚音乐。这时他的职业是自由记者,为多家媒体撰稿。弗朗索瓦先后居住在伦敦、罗马。他在罗马组建了一个组合叫金小组(The Kim Squad),和意大利微针集团签约,唱片销量高达100,000张,也进行了无数场巡回演出。在柏林墙倒塌之后第三天,他移居了过去并在那儿组建了一个新乐团——苦涩大剧院(Il Gran Teatro Amaro)——一个同时带着当代古典风格和无政府朋克风格的原声乐队。乐队装饰由埃曼努尔·鲁萨蒂负责(伊戈尔斯·特拉文斯基的舞台设计师)。这个乐队在德语地区获得了巨大的成功,年均演出场次高达200余场,但不安于现状的弗朗索瓦继续创建了红孩儿乐队(Hong Haier),以在摇滚乐中加入一些现代音乐的创新元素—无调性、解构主义、奇次性—但同时保留摇滚乐原始的节奏感。他最近的合作音乐人是:罗菲•布什纳(突尼斯)、莉迪亚•朗琪(美国)以及欧仁·S·罗宾逊(美国)。
吉安娜·葛雷,低音贝斯手,乐队成员。来自意大利南部的萨兰托,到26岁止,这位年轻的意大利籍音乐人已经组建过16个乐队,完成了11张唱片的录制,并随意大利新潮音乐的两个主要乐团(火枪宝贝Shotgun Babies、Muffx)进行过世界巡演。

Powered by the artist François R. Cambuzat, the project was initially designed and implemented for the Garonne Theatre, the European scene of Toulouse, France, in March 2012, to eventually become a compelling, iconoclastic band. Note that this is not a typical performance, but full immersion (heart, eyes, ears) in impropriety and its incredible beauty. 
François R. Cambuzat (guitar, samples, vocal) has given nearly 4,000 concerts worldwide. At first, a bassist then a saxophonist (at the age of 17, he played with Dizzy Gillespie at the Blue Note in New York), he escaped the misery of a young immigrant musician in America thanks to rock’n’roll. His interview with Iggy Pop opened the door to his cooperation with various media as a freelance journalist. He lived in London, and then moved to Rome, where he created the band The Kim Squad, which signed with Virgin Italy and sold more than 100,000 copies, and went on endless international tours. Three days after the fall of the Berlin Wall, he moved there and founded Il Gran Teatro Amaro, an acoustic project combining contemporary classical music and anarcho-punk savagery with the sets by Emmanuele Luzzatti (Igor Stravinsky’s stage designer). Having met with huge success in the German speaking countries (with two hundred performances a year at its peak), tired of preaching to the converted, François R. Cambuzat created Hong Haier with the idea of revolutionizing rock with some contemporary elements such as atonality, deconstruction, odd time, while keeping a primary pulse at the same time. His latest collaborations include Lotfi Bouchnak (Tunisia), Lydia Lunch and Eugene S. Robinson (U.S.A.).
Gianna Greco (bass, body) from Salento, southern Italy, at 26 years of age, she had already created sixteen band projects, released eleven albums and toured around the world with two major bands from the modern Italian scene (Shotgun Babies and Muffx).


时间 Time

2014.05.16 08:00 - 09:30 pm


场地 Venue

华侨城创意园北区B10现场 B10 Live, North District of OCT-LOFT


演出者 Artists

François R. Cambuzat - 吉他 Guitar / 采样 Samples / 人声 Vocal

Gianna Greco - 贝斯 Bass


网站 Website

豆瓣小站 Douban Site

视频 Video