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演出 Concert ● TECTONICS (Elliott Sharp) / 美国 U.S.A.

TECTONICS是Elliott Sharp近年来以个人名义推出的电子独奏项目。在这一项目中,Elliott Sharp会使用到8弦吉他贝斯、笔记本电脑、Max/MSP、各种加工和采样应用程序以及一系列的电子喇叭。Elliott Sharp已携此项目于柏林、北京、上海、东京、巴黎、布鲁塞尔、里昂、京都、卢布尔雅那、伯尔尼和维也纳登台演出。Sharp此项目的第三张专辑《Errata》于1999年发行,极大程度地推进了现代电子音乐和舞曲的进步和深入研究。经过一段长时间的绝版,《Errata》近年由厂牌Neos于慕尼黑重新发行。TECTONICS最新的电子专辑《Abstraction Distraction》则于2010年由法国厂牌D'autres Cordes发行。
作为一名30多年来长期活跃于纽约先锋和实验音乐乐坛的中心人物,Elliott Sharp已经发行了超过85张灌录唱片,类型横跨交响乐、布鲁斯、爵士、噪音、无浪潮摇滚和铁克诺音乐。他也是Carbon、Orchestra Carbon、Tectonics和Terraplane等众多项目的灵魂人物。

TECTONICS is the name under which Elliott Sharp currently performs his solo electroacoustic music. The concerts are performed on the 8-string guitar bass, a laptop running Ableton Live, Max/MSP and a variety of processing and sampler applications, and various electronically-processed horns. The TECTONICS program has been performed in Berlin, Beijing, Shanghai, Tokyo, Paris, Brussels, Lyon, Zurich, Kyoto, Ljubljana, Bern, and Vienna. “Errata” the third CD of Sharp's TECTONICS project was released in 1999, pushing the envelope of modern electronic and delving deeply into radically mutated dance rhythms. Long out-of-print, “Errata” has recently been reissued by the Neos label in Munich. The most recent Tectonics CD, “Abstraction Distraction”, was released in 2010 by the French label, D'autres Cordes. 
A central figure in the avant-garde and experimental music scene in New York City for over 30 years, Elliott Sharp has released over eighty-five recordings ranging from orchestral music to blues, jazz, noise, no wave rock and techno music. He leads the projects Carbon and Orchestra Carbon, Tectonics, and Terraplane and has pioneered ways of applying fractal geometry, chaos theory, and genetic metaphors to musical composition and interaction.

时间 Time

2014.05.17 09:20 - 10:20 pm


场地 Venue

华侨城创意园北区B10现场 B10 Live, North District of OCT-LOFT


演出者 Artist

Elliott Sharp - 8弦吉他贝斯 8-string Guitar Bass / 笔记本电脑 Laptop / Max/MSP / 采样应用程序 Sampler applications / 电子喇叭 Electronically-processed Horns


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