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演出 Concert ● Bonaparte 瑞士流浪者 / 瑞士 Switzerland

“Bonaparte的恶搞美学和故意玩闹的风格并不会使他的表演失色,Tobias Jundt是这个时代中最精彩的词曲作者和流行文化创造者之一。”(SPEX)
 “我不确定会不会有更多的汗水或啤酒在我的杯子里边!”(A FAN)

2006年10月,在柏林传奇的BAR 25的后台进行了首场演出之后,Bonaparte(瑞士流浪者)发行了的第一张LO - FI专辑《Too Much》(2008年),其中的歌曲如《Too Much》、《Anti Anti》就像野火般横扫了欧洲很多超级失业社区,他们的现场演出让人们见识到了一个最尽兴和性感、让人大汗淋漓的文艺复兴式现场。2011年,Bonaparte在一些欧洲最大的音乐节,例如:Rock Am Ring、Hurricane/Southside、Dour、Montreux、Exit、St. Gallen 和Roskilde上表演了他们第二张专辑《My Horse Likes You》中的一些歌曲,随后发表的那些夺人炫目的现场演出照片和一部名为《0110111 - 量子物理与马蹄》(Staatsakt/华纳)的纪录片让观众们直呼过瘾。在经过一整月横跨欧洲的巡演之后,Bonaparte的灵魂人物Tobias Jundt调整了自我的风格,并让乐队风格更偏向于电子朋克。
Bonaparte在世界派对中心的地下酒吧文化中萌芽,并逐渐发展成野性rock ’n’ roll-trash-punk乐团,一年演出超过100场次。尽管经历着大规模密集的欧洲、俄罗斯和中亚的巡演,但Bonaparte还是保持了完全独立的创作、录音、制作和混音,以及艺术创作及舞台服饰设计,并和摄影师、视觉艺术家合作,让他们在舞台上完全成为一个整体。他们发行的DVD以及2011年发行的名为《Bonaparte心中的三年》的照片写真,用228页的照片,记录了他们最令人难忘的点滴。
Bonaparte的第三张录音室专辑在一个位于柏林中心位置的前东德硬币工厂录制。Tobias Jundt 将他的诗意与疯狂融入到这张名为《Sorry, We’re Open》(2012)的概念专辑制作中,一场结合了复古机械、低保真鼓点和电气吉他,并闪耀着性感汗珠的摇滚音速之旅由此启程。

“Bonaparte, the band with the hottest and craziest live show on earth right now!” (BOYSNOIZE)
“The freakshow aesthetic and deliberately dilettante delivery of Bonaparte should not overshadow the fact, that Tobias Jundt is amongst the most exciting songwriters and pop- composers of our time.” (SPEX) 
“If Peter Pan and the lost boys would have founded a band, it would have definitely been Bonaparte.” (SATT) 
“I am not sure if there is more sweat or beer in my glass...!” (A FAN) 

After a month long road-trip across Europe, Bonaparte - Swiss vagabond Tobias Jundt’s alter ego turned electro-punk collective - performed a first show in October of 2006 on pieces of trash found in the backstage area of now legendary BAR 25 in Berlin.  After their first lo-fi album “Too Much” (2008) songs like “Too Much” and “Anti Anti” became independent hits, which spread like wildfire among Europe’s unemployed superhero community.  The word “live-show” bore witness to a most sweaty, slippery and sex merising renaissance. In 2011, after having performed their second album “My Horse Likes You” at some of the biggest European festivals such as “Rock Am Ring”, “Hurricane / Southside”, “Dour”, “Montreux”, “Exit”, “St. Gallen” and “Roskilde”, they released a kaleidoscopic portrait of their live-show, a feature film called “0110111 – Quantum Physics & A Horseshoe” (Staatsakt/Warner).
They emerged from the party-capital’s underground club-culture and developed into a wild rock’n’ roll-trash-punk-troupe de force performing over 100 shows a year. While they are touring extensively around Europe, Russia and Down Under, Bonaparte remain fully self-produced a.o. writing, recording, producing and mixing the music, creating artwork, designing stage-costumes, incorporating photographers and video-artists as members of the live-band on stage and releasing DVDs as well as most recently a 288-page photo-book entitled “Three Years in the Heart of Bonaparte” (2011).
The 3rd studio-album of Bonaparte was recorded in a former East German coin factory in the heart of Berlin. Tobias Jundt poured in another dose of his poetic madness and produced a concept album entitled “Sorry, We’re Open” (2012) - a sonic journey mixing the worlds of vintage machinery and lo-fi drum-sounds with electrified guitars and the glistening sweat of rock-n-roll. 
Before emerging on their first Asia tour in November/December 2013 presented by Fake Love Music, Bonaparte finished recording their fourth studio album in New York.

时间 Time

2014.05.08 08:00 - 09:30 pm


场地 Venue

华侨城创意园北区B10现场 B10 Live, North District of OCT-LOFT


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