King Ayisoba
加纳 Ghana
时间 Time
2015.05.15 08:00-09:00 pm
场地 Venue
华侨城创意园北区B10现场 B10 Live, North District of OCT-LOFT
演出者 Artists
King Ayisoba - Kologo / 人声 Voice
Rasta - 鼓 Drums / 舞蹈 Dance / 合声 Backing Voice
——King Ayisoba
King Ayisoba的嗓音十分独特,是你在当今音乐圈里几乎无法听到的。这种来自加纳上东区的传统Kologo音乐,带有21世纪特有的能量与风情。King Ayisoba用加纳当地语言(Fra Fra语和阿坎方言契维语)和英语歌唱,曾经多次同时夺得最佳流行歌曲奖和最佳传统歌曲奖,是加纳首屈一指的大明星!King Ayisoba为越来越多的加纳与海外观众们奏响这极致迷人的Kogolo拍子,同时也带动了新的音乐风潮。Kologo是一种由两根琴弦和一个葫芦状共鸣箱构成的弹拨乐器,同时具备了节奏性和旋律性。在本次明天音乐节的演出中,作为鼓手和舞者的Rasta将会与King Ayisoba同台演出,用他传统的舞蹈、野性的跳跃、有力的鼓点,点燃现场!
This is the traditional kologo music from the Upper East Region of Ghana brought with the energy and flavor of the twenty first century. King Ayisoba sings in Fra Fra, Twi and English and is a superstar in Ghana who has many prizes for the best pop song and the best traditional song at the same time! There is a whole new scene now starting after King Ayisoba introduced the super catchy kologo beats to the bigger audiences in Ghana and abroad. The kologo is a two-string guitar with a calabash gourd resonator, which is rhythmic and melodic at the same time. King Ayisoba is accompanied by the drummer and dancer Rasta, who will fire up the crowds with traditional dancing, high jumping and powerful drumming.
Traditionally kologo performances occur at local pito bars, weddings, funerals, festivals or spontaneous jams on the street. Today we will see the force and spirit here, around the corner; learn wise lessons and dig up the future.
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视频 Video
King Ayisoba - Sooba
King Ayisoba - Mbhee