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演出 Concert · 2017.5.18 Pierre Bastien

Pierre Bastien

法国 France


时间 Time

2017.5.18 20:00 - 21:00

场地 Venue

华侨城创意文化园北区B10现场 B10 Live, North District of OCT-LOFT

演出者 Artist

Pierre Bastien - Meccano Machine 麦卡诺[1]机器 / Trumpet 小号 / Nail Violin 钉子提琴[2] / Kundi[3]


Pierre Bastien,1953年生于巴黎,巴黎索邦大学18世纪法国文学硕士。1977年,他制作了自己的第一件音乐机械装置。此后的十年间,他的“机械乐团”不断发展壮大,到了1987年,他开始专注于利用它们进行个人表演、制作声音装置和录制唱片。

在职业生涯初期,Pierre Bastien作为作曲家和多乐器演奏家在一些乐队中演出。1986年左右,他加入了Pascal Comelade的Bel Canto Orquesta,同时成立了——更确切地说是创造了自己的“乐团”——Mecanium。乐团的成员是一个个用由麦卡诺部件组成、以电动马达驱动的自动音乐装置,这些“机器音乐家”们演奏着来自世界各地的原声乐器。

作曲家Michel F. Côté这样形容Mecanium:“这个永远不会出错的乐团是每一位作曲家的梦想:任你轻松掌控于指尖,完全服从你的每一个指令。它是一个不受时间限制的乐团,未来主义的同时又带着点达达的味道,它让传统乐器焕发新生,并创造出有着惊人美感的音乐。简而言之,Pierre Bastien的’Mecanium’实际上就是一个他从1976年起就开始追逐的白日梦。这支乐团的乐手们就是机器本身。它背后有着一个简单、高效而又富有诗意的概念:让传统乐器(如中国琵琶、摩洛哥响线框鼓Bendir、印尼铜片琴Saron、日本筝Koto、小提琴和非洲拇指琴Sanza等)通过由麦卡诺部件和回收的唱机引擎做成的机械乐器来演奏。这些自弹自演的’混血’声音雕塑演奏出一系列令人迷醉的短章。”


近年来,Pierre Bastien也跟世界各地的影像艺术家、设计师和音乐人合作音乐项目,不一而足。他最新的作品可以在Western Vinyl和Rephlex的发行目录里找到。


[1] 麦卡诺:一个模型建造系统,用于建造工作模型和机械设备。

[2] 钉子提琴:一种由德国小提琴家Johann Wilde于1740年发明的乐器,用弓演奏半圆形木制共鸣板上不同长度的铁或黄铜制钉子时产生半音音阶。

[3] Kundi:一种源自非洲中部的五弦竖琴。

Born in Paris, 1953, Pierre Bastien post-graduated in eighteenth-century French literature at University Paris-Sorbonne. In 1977, he built his first musical machinery. For the next ten years he was constantly developing his mechanical orchestra. Since 1987 he concentrates on it through solo performances, sound installations and recordings.

The French composer and multi-instrumentalist Pierre Bastien played first in some collective bands. Around 1986, he started participating in Pascal Comelade's Bel Canto Orquesta. At the same time he created – and literally built – his own orchestra called Mecanium: an ensemble of musical automatons constructed from meccano[1] parts and activated by electro-motors, that are playing on acoustic instruments from all over the world.

“A composer's dream: a fail-safe orchestra at one's fingertips obeying ever so gently to his every command, a timeless sounding orchestra, both futuristic and slightly dada, conjuring ancient traditions in its surprisingly sensuous music. This is, in a nutshell what Pierre Bastien's ‘Mecanium’ is all about, a daydream of sorts that he has successfully pursued since 1976. The musicians of his orchestra are machines. And the idea behind it is simple, efficient and poetic: to have traditional instruments (Chinese lute, Morrocan bendir, Javanese saron, koto, violin, sanza, etc.) played by a mechanical instrument made of meccano pieces and recycled turntable motors. These hybrid and self-playing sound sculptures perform a series of short pieces, charming and hypnotic.” (Michel F. Côté on Mecanium)

In the 90s the mechanical orchestra developed up to 80 elements. It took part in music festivals and art exhibitions in Norway (World Music Days '90), Australia (Tisea '92), Japan (Artec '95), Canada (Fimav '95, Sound Symposium '98), Poland (Warsaw Autumn ’95) and United States (Flea Festival ’96).

In the recent years, Pierre Bastien and his machines collaborated with video artists, designers and musicians all over the world. The most recent compositions were released on Western Vinyl and Rephlex.


[1] Meccano: A model construction system created in Liverpool. It enables the building of working models and mechanical devices.

[2] Nail Violin: A musical instrument invented by German violinist Johann Wilde in 1740, consisting of a semicircular wooden soundboard with iron or brass nails of different lengths arranged to produce a chromatic scale when bowed.

[3] Kundi: A five-string harp originated from Central Africa.