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2018.5.19 户川纯 Jun Togawa



Jun Togawa

日本 Japan


时间 Time

2018.5.19 20:00 - 22:00

场地 Venue

华侨城创意文化园北区B10现场 B10 Live, North District of OCT-LOFT


演出者 Artists

户川纯 Jun Togawa  - 人声 Vocals

中原信雄 Nobuo Nakahara - 贝斯 Bass / 和声 Chorus

矢壁笃信 Atsunobu Yakabe - 鼓 Drums

石冢 “BERA” 伯广 Norihiro “BERA” Ishizuka - 吉他 Guitar / 和声 Chorus

Lion Merry - 键盘 Keyboard / 手风琴 Accordion / 和声 Chorus

山口慎一 Shinichi Yamaguchi - 合成器 Synthesizer / 编程 Programming



生于东京的她,自幼立志成为一名演员,在小学时即以演员身份进入公众视野。大学时代,她是涉谷传奇新浪潮演出现场/咖啡店NYLON100%的常客,并在此结识了Halmens乐队的上野耕路。她在Halmens的数首歌曲里担任嘉宾歌手,而后与上野耕路和太田萤一在1981年组成了乐队Guernica,并于1982年发行了首张专辑,由知名音乐家细野晴臣(Yellow Magic Orchestra)担纲制作。

不久,她成立了新乐队Yapoos,并更多地以个人和Yapoos的名义进行音乐活动,发行了包括1984年的《玉姫様》(“玉姬大人”)、1985年的《好き好き大好き》(“喜欢喜欢好喜欢”)、1989年的《昭和享年》和2008年的自选集三碟套装《Togawa Legend Self Select Best & Rare 1979-2008》在内的多张专辑。


Jun Togawa's first ever formal stage outside Japan. With a wide musical spectrum ranging from new wave and punk to electronic, jazz and noise, she is one of the most iconic musician who has casted great influence on various aspects of music and culture in Asia.

Jun Togawa is a Japanese singer and actress. Born in Tokyo, she grew up aspiring for an acting career. While in college, she frequented NYLON100%, a legendary new wave cafe / live venue in Shibuya, which led her to sing and eventually form Guernica with Koji Ueno and Keiichi Ota in 1981. They released their debut album in 1982, with production duties handled by Haruomi Hosono of Yellow Magic Orchestra fame.

Guernica went on a hiatus around the end of that year and she started performing both as a solo artist and with her newly formed band Yapoos, while becoming increasingly popular as an actress and TV personality. She has released many albums under various monikers since then, works include  “Tamahime-Sama” (1984), “Showa Kyonen” (1989), 3CD box set “Togawa Legend Self Select Best & Rare 1979-2008” (2008) and many others.

In 2016, she released “Watashi ga Nakou Hototogisu” (2016), a collaboration album with Japanese band Vampillia to mark the 35th anniversary of her musical career. In the same year, she published the book “The Complete Interpretation of Jun Togawa’s Lyrics – Shippu Dotou Tokidoki Hare”.