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2018.5.20 GONG



英国 UK / 法国 France


时间 Time

2018.05.20 21:20 - 22:35

场地 Venue

华侨城创意文化园北区B10现场 B10 Live, North District of OCT-LOFT


演出者 Artists

Kavus Torabi - 主唱 Vocals / 吉他 Guitar

Ian East - 萨克斯 Saxophone / 长笛 Flute

Dave Sturt - 贝斯 Bass / 人声 Vocals

Fabio Golfetti - 吉他 Guitar / 滑奏 Glissando / 人声 Vocals

Cheb Nettles - 鼓 Drums / 人声 Vocals


2015年,原乐队主创Daevid Allen因病离世,率先乘坐茶壶飞船离开了他们的星球。近些年由吉他手Kavus Torabi接班,继续带领着乐队的其它成员。他们一同见证了Daevid是如何从容面对死亡,如何自始至终都保持着所行与所创作一致的态度。他们骄傲地拥抱了这个他所留下的绚烂星球。与此同时,Daevid的离世,也成为了Gong灵魂的伟大延伸,成为了让这支经典乐队再获新生的一个绝佳机会——正如他离世前对乐队的寄语:“我能感觉到,你们即将迎来Gong的全新纪元!”


从它1967年的诞生,到Virgin Records的那些年,再到经历管理失当、官司缠身、分离与重组、死亡与重生……这支乐队一直在给我们带来美丽、危险而超凡的音乐,从未中止。

60年代末,澳籍“垮掉的一代”诗人Daevid Allen(前Soft Machine成员)与他的同伴Gilli Smyth一起展开了全新的音乐项目。他们身边聚集了一群有创造力的音乐家,而且这个社群还在不断发展和壮大。这段时期的重要作品包括1969年的《Magick Brother》,以及对后世影响深远的1971年专辑《Banana Moon》——David Bowie最喜欢的20张专辑之一。我们现在所熟知的Gong,便是在那之后逐渐成型,拥有了固定成员:Dider Malherbe(萨克斯 / 管乐)、Christian Tritsch(贝斯)和Pip Pyle(鼓),连同Daevid (吉他滑奏 / 主唱)与Smyth(太空呓语 / 人声)。他们在1971年底发行了专辑《Camembert Electrique》,同一时期为机车电影代表作 《Continental Circus》和法国诗人Dashiel Hedayat的专辑 《Obsolete》配乐。

Gong接下来的三张经典之作——1973年的《Flying Teapot》、1974年的《Angel’s Egg》及1975年《You》,被称为“Radio Gnome Trilogy(电波精灵三部曲)”。在三部曲制作的过程中,Tritsch和Pyle离开了乐队,由贝斯手Mike Howlett和鼓手Pierre Moerlen代替。新成员吉他手Steve Hillage和演奏合成器的Tim Blake也于此时加入了乐队。

在《You》之后,Daevid、Hillage、Blake和Smyth因创作理念上的分歧离开了乐队。吉他手Allan Holdsworth加入后,乐队开始向艺术化的融合爵士风格转型。Hillage和Daevid各自发行了一些个人专辑,Smyth创立了Mother Gong。尽管如此,三部曲时期的成员仍会为一些演出而进行暂时的重组,包括被收录于专辑《Gong Est Mort, Vive Gong》中的1977年法国演唱会。Daevid与Malherbe和Pyle(以及其他他多年来合作过的艺人)也曾为1992年的专辑《Shapeshifter》和1994年的Gong 25周年庆演出而重聚。那些年间衍生出了一系列与Gong有关的乐队,包括Mother Gong、Gongzilla、Pierre Moerlen's Gong、New York Gong、Planet Gong和Gongmaison等。

2006年,Gong在阿姆斯特丹举办了一场为期三天的Unconvention音乐节,史无前例地聚齐了Gong的大家族中包括初代成员在内的大部分历史成员及衍生乐队。这次盛大的团聚为乐队注入了新的能量,也催生了2009年的专辑《2032》和后来的巡演。贝斯手Dave Sturt与萨克斯手Ian East便是在巡演过程中加入了乐队。

2012年,Daevid Allen将吉他手Fabio Golfetti、鼓手Orlando Allen纳入乐队,并完成了一场欧洲、日本和巴西的巡演。2013年,吉他手Kavus Torabi加入,乐队以Daevid Allen、Dave Sturt、Ian East、Fabio Golfetti、 Orlando Allen和Kavus Torabi的阵容录制了2014年的专辑《I See You》。也是在这一年,Daevid被确诊为癌症,无法在接受治疗的同时继续进行演出。在他的支持之下,乐队在没有他的情况下继续着这张专辑的宣传和巡演,并吸纳了新成员鼓手Cheb Nettles。

2015年,Daevid Allen去世,乐队以2016年的最新专辑《Rejoice! I’m Dead!》(“万岁!我挂了!”)纪念他所留下的深刻影响和璀璨遗产。Gong的脚步并没有停滞,他们在继续着全球巡演的同时,也在为下一张专辑做准备。

There would be no other band like Gong who would release an album titled “Rejoice! I’m Dead!” to pay tribute to its deceased founder (Daevid Allen). We might never be able to predict what kind of future would be conceived by Gong, this loving and humorous planet full of mystery, but all these years it has already brought us surreal soundscapes with shades of psychedelia, space rock, jazz, avant-garde and krautrock, in their musically diverse world infused with infinite possibilities.

In 2005, the former main band leader Daevid Allen passed away for illness as being the first one who had left this planet riding a teapot spaceship. In recent years guitarist of Gong Kavus Torabi has taken over the position of leader along with other band members. Together they witnessed how did Daevid still kept his consistency of attitude between what he did and what he wrote that he confronted with his death in such calm. They proudly embraced the planet that he had left, while this has become a grand extension and a fantastic chance for Gong as a classic band to be reborn. Let us rewind what Daevid said to Gong before his death, “I feel you are all equally on the brink of a whole new era of Gong!”

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Brief Histroy of Gong

From its beginnings in 1967, through the Virgin Records years, mismanagement, court cases, break-ups and rejoinings, deaths and rebirths – there has always been a continuous thread of beautiful, dangerous and extraordinary music. 

Australian beatnik poet Daevid Allen (ex-Soft Machine) began making music with his partner Gilli Smyth in the late 1960s, along with a constantly evolving community of creative musicians. Albums from this period include “Magick Brother” (1969) and the influential “Banana Moon” (1971) – one of David Bowie's favourite 20 albums. A stable line-up of the band, now named Gong, eventually materialised featuring Didier Malherbe (sax and reeds), Christian Tritsch (bass), and Pip Pyle (drums), along with Daevid (glissando guitar, vocals) and Smyth (space whisper, vocals). This band released the album “Camembert Electrique” in late 1971, as well as providing the soundtrack to the iconic biker film “Continental Circus" and music for the album “Obsolete” by French poet Dashiel Hedayat.

Gong's next three albums are known as the classic Radio Gnome Trilogy, consisting of “Flying Teapot” (1973), “Angel's Egg” (1974), and “You” (1975), all released by Virgin Records. Over the course of the Trilogy, Tritsch and Pyle left and were replaced by Mike Howlett (bass) and Pierre Moerlen (drums). New members Steve Hillage (guitar) and Tim Blake (synthesizers) also joined.

After “You”, Daevid, Hillage, Blake and Smyth left the group due to creative differences. Guitarist Allan Holdsworth joined and the band moved into a virtuosic jazz fusion style. Hillage and Daevid each released several solo albums and Smyth formed Mother Gong. Nevertheless the trilogy lineup reunited for a few one-off concerts including a 1977 French concert, documented on the “Gong Est Mort, Vive Gong” album. Daevid also reunited with Malherbe and Pyle (as well as other musicians he had collaborated with over the years) for 1992's “Shapeshifter” album and the Gong 25th Birthday Party in 1994. A number of Gong-related bands have existed over the years, including Mother Gong, Gongzilla, Pierre Moerlen's Gong, New York Gong, Planet Gong, and Gongmaison.

A great gathering of the Gong family took place in Amsterdam at the Unconvention in 2006 featuring many previous members and  related bands. This event reinvigorated the band, leading to the release of the album “2032” in 2009 and the subsequent tour saw the arrival of Dave Sturt (bass) and Ian East (saxophone).

In 2012, Daevid Allen enlisted Fabio Golfetti (guitar) and Orlando Allen (drums) for a tour of Europe, UK, Japan and Brazil. By 2013 Kavus Torabi (guitar) had also joined the group and the line-up of Daevid, Sturt, East, Golfetti, Allen and Torabi recorded the album I See You (2014). That year, Daevid was diagnosed with cancer and was unable to perform whilst undergoing treatment. Fulfilling his wishes, the band continued the Gong tradition without him and toured to promote the album, bringing in Cheb Nettles (drums).

In 2015, Daevid Allen passed away. His influence and legacy were honoured on the band's latest album, “Rejoice! I'm Dead!” (2016). They continue to tour internationally whilst writing for their next album.