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10.12 第2场 Schnellertollermeier @OCT-LOFT国际爵士音乐节


The 9th OCT-LOFT Jazz Festival
2019.10.11 - 2019.10.20

主办方 Organizer
深圳华侨城创意文化园 OCT-LOFT

当晚票价 Fare for the night:
预售 Advance¥100 ;现场 Walk-in ¥140
第一场 First Set:20:00 - 21:00 Mn’JAM experiment
第二场 Second Set:21:20 - 22:20 Schnellertollermeier


时间 Time
2019.10.12 21:20 - 22:20
场地 Venue
华侨城创意文化园北区B10现场 B10 Live, North District of OCT-LOFT

演出者 Artists
Andi Schnellmann - 贝斯 Bass
Manuel Troller - 吉他 Guitar
David Meier - 鼓 Drums



Schnellertollermeier play music without compromises. Ranging from modern composition, minimal music and improv to brute rock music, their style defies genre boundaries with an instrumental power that lets heart beat the head easily. The idea of a band that sounds like one organism can be perceived in a unified energy - a music containing as much explosive force as beauty and depth. Their third album “X“ (Cuneiform Records, US) received enthusiastic critics from all over the world and made it into the list of the 12 best albums of 2015 in US-Wall Street Journal.

*This program is supported by Pro Helvetia Shanghai, Swiss Arts Council.