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FIF · 10.20 放映 带上狗去散步:对话英国即兴音乐家 @OCT-LOFT国际爵士音乐节


The 9th OCT-LOFT Jazz Festival
2019.10.11 - 2019.10.20

主办方 Organizer
深圳华侨城创意文化园 OCT-LOFT

场地 Venue:A3+
免费入场 Free Admission


时间 Time
2019.10.13 15:00 - 16:00
场地 Venue
华侨城创意文化园北区A3+ A3+, North District of OCT-LOFT

导演 Director: Antoine Prum
出品方 Production: NI-VU-NI-CONNU
时长 Length: 128分 128min
年份 Year: 2014
语言 Language: 英语 English
字幕 Subtitles: 无 None

在拍摄了《Sunny’s Time Now》这部聚焦于美国传奇自由爵士鼓手Sunny Murray的权威纪录片之后,卢森堡电影人Antoine Prum将眼光转向了英国自由即兴音乐,拍摄了一部新的音乐纪录片《Taking the Dog for a Walk》。该片取材于柏林一个为期三天的音乐节,该音乐节同时也是为此片的拍摄而成形举办。《Taking the Dog for a Walk》聚焦于英国横跨几代的自由即兴乐手,回溯即兴音乐在60年代的发源、释放,以及其近年来由新兴天赋乐手以及充满活力的场馆带来微小的人气回温。

After Sunny’s Time Now, his authoritative portrait of the American Free jazz drumming legend Sunny Murray, Luxembourg filmmaker Antoine Prum turns his attention to the British Free Improvised Music scene in this new feature-length music documentary. Branching out from a three-day festival in Berlin conceived and organised for the purpose of the film, Taking the Dog for a Walk maps the scene of British Improvisers, past and present, retracing the road that led from its emergence and emancipation in the 1960s to the recent (albeit small) surge in popularity as talented new players and dynamic venues are coming to the fore.