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圣迭戈噪响迷幻乐队Crocodiles三城巡回 深圳站

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圣迭戈噪响迷幻乐队Crocodiles三城巡回 深圳站

时间:2019.12.08 周日 20:30







票价:预售 130 元;现场 180 元


※截止时间:12月08日 00:00



②淘宝:搜索店铺“B10 Live”





演出场地:深圳 B10现场





☆ “Mired by a reverence for its influences-- the dark jangle pop of the Jesus and Mary Chain and Echo and the Bunnymen”

“在对前辈The Jesus and Mary Chain和Echo and the Bunnymen的暗黑噪响流行的敬意中无法自拔”

--- Pitchfork

☆ “California noise/pop band Crocodiles pays obvious homage to the shimmering, fuzzed-out pop of the Jesus and Mary Chain, but the group manages to sound more like a tribute than a direct knockoff.”

“加州噪音流行乐队Crocodiles很显然用他们的音乐在致敬JAMC充满fuzz 如微光般闪烁着的流行乐,但是他们却很成功地将自己的元素融入里面,而不是无聊地模仿”

--- The Washington Post

☆ “Music to make your brain throb and your mouth grin”


--- NME

2008年,充满阳光的加州圣迭戈,Brandon Welchez和Charles Rowell面对的是他们之前组成的两支硬核朋克乐队解散后的迷惘,他们决定组建一支不那么朋克却浸淫着朋克精神的新乐队。



他们俩虽然同时还在早期Dum Dum Girls(那时还不叫这个名字)里演奏,但很快随着加州老乡No Age乐队对他们的单曲《Neon Jesus》的推崇,马上在圈内小有名气

接下去两年间的两张专辑《Summer of Hate》 (2009) 《Sleep Forever》(2010)  由独立大厂Fat Possum(旗下包括Spiritualized, Dinosaur Jr., Temples等等)操刀发行,乐队知名度更是越来越高,并开始了欧洲和美国的巡回。


经过在City Slang子厂牌Souterrain Transmissions发行《Endless Flowers 》(2012) 后,2013年的专辑《Crimes of Passion》请来了The Raveonettes的Sune Rose Wagner担当制作人。接下去的三张唱片《Crimes of Passion》 (2013)《 Boys》 (2015) 《Dreamless》 (2016)都是由Brandon与当时的妻子Dum Dum Girls的Dee Dee用他们自己创立的Zoo Music厂牌发行,他们还发行了他们俩的夫妻乐队Haunted Hearts以及张洪泰的Dirty Beaches。


2019年的新专辑《Love is Here》是Crocodiles时隔三年之后的最新专辑,还是像往常的他们一样,细腻的旋律中有着一丝猖狂,利落的声响里带着满满爱意。


◆薄荷计划 x yeRecords 联合呈现◆


(“薄荷叶”继The KVB、Ceremony、First Hate后第四弹)

◎深圳 Shenzhen
12月8日 | Dec 8th

星期日 | Sunday
检票时间 19:30 | Open at 19:30
演出开始 20:30 | Start at 20:30
场地 Venue: B10现场
地址 Address: 深圳市南山区华侨城创意文化园北区C2栋北侧
预售 Presale: 130 RMB
现场 Door: 180 RMB

所有演出相关信息均以yeRecords官方微信公众号及微博@yeRecords @薄荷计划 发布为准。

Crocodiles 2019 China Tour in Shenzhen

Time: 2019.12.08 Sunday 20:30

Venue: B10 Live

Add: Building C2, North District, OCT-LOFT, Nanshan District, Shenzhen

Venue Support: OCT-LOFT Culture Development Co., Ltd

Admittance starts at 20:00.


Fare: Advance 130 RMB; Walk-in 180 RMB


※Presale service available until 00:00 on Dec. 08

※At Door tickets may not be available if advance tickets were sold out. Please purchase the tickets as early as possible.

①Entity:Old Heaven Books (120#, A5, North District of OCT-LOFT)

②Taobao:Search Store "B10 Live"



Please send the following information to at least ONE DAY before the concert:

1.Name 2.Phone number 3.Date of the concert 4.Quantity of tickets


Starts at 19:30 on the day at B10 Live.

Crocodiles are a noise pop/indie pop band from San Diego, California, US. The group was formed in 2008 by core members Brandon Welchez and Charles Rowell after the break-up of their former punk bands Some Girls and The Plot to Blow Up the Eiffel Tower. Crocodiles' sound has typically been likened to The Jesus and Mary Chain, The Archies, Tommy James & The Shondells, and Gary Glitter.

Whilst at the same time playing in an early incarnation of Dum Dum Girls (Welchez is currently divorced from frontwoman Dee Dee Penny(aka Kristin Kontrol)), Crocodiles initially gained exposure in 2008 after fellow Southern California noise pop band No Age included their single "Neon Jesus" in a list of the year's best songs. This led to the duo being signed to Mississippi-based label Fat Possum Records, who released the band's self-recorded debut album Summer of Hate, in April 2009.

After touring in support of their debut full-length, the first half of 2010 saw Crocodiles go into a studio in the Mojave Desert with British producer James Ford. The resultant sessions comprise the band's second album Sleep Forever. The record was released by Fat Possum in the September of that year.

In September 2011, Charles Rowell and Brandon Welchez self-produced their third album, Endless Flowers in Berlin, Germany. The album was released in spring of 2012. Guests on the album include reggae singer Hollie Cook and Dum Dum Girls Dee Dee, performing back ups on the track "My Surfing Lucifer" under the moniker Les Fleurs Du Mal Girl's Choir.

In April 2013, Charles Rowell and Brandon Welchez recorded their fourth album, Crimes Of Passion. The album was produced by Sune Rose Wagner of The Raveonettes in Los Angeles, California. Guests on the album include Gregg Foreman of Delta 72 and Cat Power, soul singer Afrodyete of Breakestra as well as Welchez' brother, jazz musician Josh Welchez.

In addition to their own recordings, Crocodiles have collaborated with Television Personalities' frontman Dan Treacy as well as Dum Dum Girls. Although initially gigging as a two piece, Welchez and Rowell have expanded the band to include a live drummer, bassist and keyboard player. Musicians in the live band have included members of Blank Dogs, The Slits, A Place To Bury Strangers, Cat Power and Dum Dum Girls.