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【天启时刻 Apocalypse 】 —— 经典“冻肉工业”之声巡演 深圳站


【天启时刻 Apocalypse 】 —— 经典“冻肉工业”之声巡演 深圳站


时间:2019.4.20 周六 20:30








票价:预售 200 元;现场 260 元


※截止时间:4月20日 00:00









二零一九年四月,来自北欧极寒之地的两支“启示录工业”巨头In Slaughter Natives和Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio协同他们的御用伙伴Empusae和VJ -Christel共赴神州。


In Slaughter Natives 首次来华!


作为黑暗音乐世界里不朽王国CMI(冻肉工业)之声的奠基者!如果你向别人宣称自己是一个黑暗氛围/工业乐迷,那么请不要告诉我你不知道这个名字。自瑞典音乐人Jouni Havukainen在1985年组建了这个单人组合后,它的作品一直作为“启示录工业”这一音乐风格名称的标准阐释被刊印在音乐分类学词典里。他所创造那种融合宗教吟诵、强力管弦、工业噪声和氛围采样等元素的巨大声响至今仍被无数后人所赞颂和效仿。“黑暗、宏大、肃穆、凝滞、压抑”这是一种你永远也无法用玩乐心态应对的声响。它震撼你,碾压你,迫使你臣服于它的威权之下。


Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio再次莅临!


启示录民谣弥赛亚、黑暗诗歌吟诵者、倒错的圣徒。Ordo Equilibrio成立于1993年5月,更名于2000年10月,以Tomas和Rose这对夫妇为核心的启示录民谣&新古典乐队则是CMI(冻肉工业)之声的另一执旗者。沉静、悠长、往复的键盘铺陈配合着优雅、阴郁的木吉他旋律、衬托着仪式般内敛的男女声吟诵。在这圣洁但黑暗的祈祷声中.....描述着天堂与地狱的景象。ORE是“黑暗氛围、新民谣、工业音乐”完美的融合体。




相比前两支乐队的鼎鼎大名,Empusae对于中国乐迷而言稍显陌生,远不如他作为现场乐手参与的组合著名,看看这些名字,Ah Cama-Sotz, In Slaughter Natives, Sophia , Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio,Triarii!作为黑暗音乐人Nicolas的本尊组合,安普莎的音乐一直在探索黑暗氛围音乐所能呈现出的各种空间场景与剧情可能性,钢琴则是这位夜女神侍女的灵魂,优美、脆弱、哀伤的旋律流淌在各首作品之中,穿梭徘徊,无处安放。

The Sound of Cold Meat Industry Tour in Shenzhen


Time: 2019.4.20 Saturday 20:30

Venue: B10 Live

Add: Building C2, North District, OCT-LOFT, Nanshan District, Shenzhen

Tel: 0755 86337602 (15:00-18:00, info only)

Venue Support: OCT-LOFT Culture Development Co., Ltd

Admittance starts at 20:00.

Open area with several seats on both sides for resting purpose.



Fare: Advance 200 RMB; Walk-in 260 RMB


※Presale service available until 00:00 on Apr. 20

※At Door tickets may not be available if advance tickets were sold out. Please purchase the tickets as early as possible.

①Entity:Old Heaven Books (120#, A5, North District of OCT-LOFT)

②Taobao:Search Store "B10 Live"



Please send the following information to at least ONE DAY before the concert:

1.Name 2.Phone number 3.Date of the concert 4.Quantity of tickets


Starts at 19:30 on the day at B10 Live.


Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio rose from the ashes of Archon Satani in May 1993 as founding member Tomas Pettersson felt the need to project his remaining creativity through the aesthetic kinship of Balance - Light and Dark, Life and Death, Male and Female – and thus, the genesis of Equilibrium and the advancement beyond into the perfection of Roses.

Accompanied by the sound of acoustic guitars, electronic beats, disturbing soundscapes, strings and pianos; come songs on the threshold of the intellectually seductive and morally reprehensible; gospels on the verge of the conjecturally acclaimed and what’s soon to be condemned.The music is sometimes referred to as Apocalyptic Pop, but its continuing variation over the years extends much further and perfectly congregates into the essence of that which IS Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio.

In Slaughter Natives is a Swedish industrail, dark ambient act formed by Jouni Havukainen in 1985. It is the pioneer band in the symphonic industrial field. Their music is a mix of heavy electronics, martial percussions, religious chants, orchestral samples and gruesome demonic vocals. After releasing some great albums on Cold Meat Industry and Staalplaat, the project remained dormant since many years but kept getting on stage from time to time. After many years, In Slaughter Natives finally released a new album in 2014: 'Cannula Coma Legio'.

Empusae is actually a project created by a single man, Nicolas Van Meirhaeghe aka Sal-Ocin. Empusae exercises a surreal science of structure that throbs and pulsates in an almost obsessive manner. The music is almost suggestive of a mechanical assembly line in its clock work clunks and clangs. It builds into a tense, yet haunting soundscape and rivets itself into the memory and refuses to be forgotten. It is serious music who's architecture has formed for itself a solid foundation, rather than sounding as if its trying to tear itself apart! When listening to Empusae's music, you're lost in dark melancholy, tribal electronic athmospheres and scarefull ambient rituals. Empusae continuously is music for the darkened souls, the lost ones. The style of music is like a journey from the postapocalyptic industrial and urban wastelands to the organic sounds of the wilderness in nature.The drums evolved from rhythmic instruments to shamanic elements. Sal-Ocin describes his music as a sountrack for the listeners personal fantasies.