伦敦当红梦泡Still Corners 首度亚洲巡演 深圳站
时间:2019.4.7 周日 20:30
场地:B10现场 http://www.b10live.cn
票价:预售 130 元;现场 160 元
※截止时间:4月7日 10:30
Still Corners是一支由唱作人兼制作人Greg Hughes和歌手Tessa Murray主导的独立梦幻流行/合成器流行乐队。
两人的合作有一个电影般的罗曼蒂克式开头。Greg Hughes从小在美国长大,来到向往之地伦敦追寻梦想。2009年,身处异乡的他有一天上错火车,坐到了相反方向的车站,在那里他遇到了同样错过火车的Tessa Murray。当时的站台上只有他们两个人,她问,“你是不是迷路了”
乐队的影响来自“太空音乐”的开创者、希腊音乐家Vangelis,意大利电影配乐大师Ennio Morricone, 以及拥有清澈吉他音色的英国器乐摇滚乐队the Shadows。
在Still Corners里,Greg负责词曲创作和乐器演奏,Tessa的仙境女声在Greg的处理之下产生了奇妙的化学反应;Still Corners听起来总是自然、脱俗,如同雾一样模糊的记忆和无可追溯的梦境。
Still Corners在The Great Pop Supplement厂牌下发行的单曲“Don't Fall in Love/Wish”,吸引了Sub Pop Records的注意,很快,他们与Sub Pop签约并在2011年发行了第一张专辑《Creatures of an Hour》,这张专辑营造出的异国恐怖电影般的氛围和昏暗朦胧的孤独感让人们想起了独立电子乐队Broadcast,而乐队后来的作品则让人们更多地把他们与同样签约Sub Pop的Beach House相提并论。
在2013年5月发行的第二张专辑《Strange Pleasures》中,乐队的风格发生了转变,明显有Roxy Music的《Avalon》影响下的80年代合成器流行音乐的影子。相比第一张专辑,“Strange Pleasures”更为娴熟,风格更加宽广开阔,Tessa的声音也真正在这张专辑蜕变。其中,单曲“Fireflies”被Pitchfork评为“最佳新单曲”,此外“Berlin Lovers”“The Trip”、等单曲都广受好评。
为了录制他们的第三张专辑,乐队从伦敦搬到了海边,他们从深邃寂静的海水中汲取灵感,将专辑命名为《Dead Blue》,并在他们自己创立的厂牌Wrecking Light Records下发行,成为2016年The Line of Best Fit网站上评分最高的梦幻流行专辑。
2018年8月,Still Corners带着新专辑《Slow Air》回归。专辑以美国西部的高温为灵感,保持了Still Corners标志性梦幻缥缈的音乐氛围。
“我们想创造美妙的吉他和鼓点,营造一种难以用经典风格来定义的非现实感。我们一直致力于捕捉我们在自己内心听到的声音,所以整个过程很快,我们不想让大脑过多思考。对我而言,‘Slow Air’这个名字概括了这张专辑的感觉,平稳、怪诞而迷人。”
乐队只用了三周时间就录制完成了这张专辑。创作《Slow Air》期间,乐队离开英国、游历美国。德克萨斯和亚利桑那的沙漠、加利福尼亚的海滩和美国东北的山区给了他们强烈的冲击与灵感。在德克萨斯令人窒息的高温下,所有人、所有事物都在炙热的空气中缓慢飘移。
专辑以第一首歌“In the Middle of the Night”质感明亮的吉他和弦开篇,随即转入经典的Still Corners式的梦幻与神秘,但同时带着一种与听众的疏离感。
第三首单曲“The Message”中的歌词“I love to drive the highways, the skyways, just to get lost.”营造的开阔虚无感与乐队标志性的太空感合成器音效相得益彰。
主打单曲之一“Welcome to Slow Air”,带着一种探索的惊异,闪烁的合成器音符和清脆的鸟鸣描绘出一幅耀眼的阳光穿透繁密树林,潮湿与热气并存的景象。
而单曲“Black Lagoon”像是一首在寂静的黎明时刻在飞驰的车里大声播放的歌,听起来超然而自我沉溺;听众就像行人,擦肩而过,遥望、幻想着车里陌生人的仿佛远在银河之外故事。
2018年9月开始,Still Corners带着新专辑在北美和欧洲展开了久违的新一轮巡演,引起了各国乐迷的热烈反响。
4.5 北京/Beijing疆进酒Omni Space
4.6 上海/Shanghai育音堂公园YYT Park
4.7 深圳/ShenzhenB10 Live
Still Corners Asia Debut Tour in Shenzhen
Time: 2019.4.7 Sunday 20:30
Venue: B10 Live http://www.b10live.cn
Add: Building C2, North District, OCT-LOFT, Nanshan District, Shenzhen
Tel: 0755 86337602 (15:00-18:00, info only)
Venue Support: OCT-LOFT Culture Development Co., Ltd
Admittance starts at 20:00.
Open area with several seats on both sides for resting purpose.
Ticketing information
Fare: Advance 130 RMB; Walk-in 160 RMB
※Presale service available until 10:30 on Apr. 7
※At Door tickets may not be available if advance tickets were sold out. Please purchase the tickets as early as possible.
①Entity:Old Heaven Books (120#, A5, North District of OCT-LOFT)
②Taobao:Search Store "B10 Live"
Please send the following information to midori@b10live.cn at least ONE DAY before the concert:
1.Name 2.Phone number 3.Date of the concert 4.Quantity of tickets
Starts at 19:30 on the day at B10 Live.
TESSA ELIZABETH - 主唱 Vocal/键盘 Keyboard
With influences that span the spacey experiments ofVangelis, the expansive, cinematic sounds ofEnnio Morricone, and the clean-toned guitar stylings of the Shadows, Still Corners is the project of Greg Hughes and Tessa Murray. The group formed shortly after Hughes, an American expatriate, met Murray by chance at a London train stop in 2009.
In 2010 Still Corners released singlesDon't Fall in Love/Wishon 7-inch through British psychedelia label theGreat Pop Supplement with an accompanying video for Wish directed by Lucy Dyson.Selling all 700 copies in a single day saw Sub Pop takedue notice and quickly sign the group. Their first full length,Creatures of an Hour,was released by Sub Popin 2011.By the time of their second record in 2013, Still Corners had shifted focus from '60s influences in favour of a slicker, more '80s-sound inspired byRoxy Music’s Avalon. Another Sub Pop release,Strange Pleasuresincludes the hit singleFireflies(Pitchfork, Best New Track) and sleeper hit,The Trip.
To record their third album, Murray and Hughes relocated from London to the English seaside. Moved by the water's intense dark colour, they named the set of songsDead Blue. The album, which featured theBrian Wilson-inspired singleLost Boyswas released on Still Corners' very own Wreckin Light Records in September 2016 and was thehighest-rated dream pop album on The Line of Best Fit in 2016.
Still Corners return in 2018 with a new album,Slow Air.Evoking the atmospheric sounds Still Corners are known for,Slow Aircontinues the band's journey with a lush, ethereal album inspired by the heat of America’s west.