【Vibes呈现】“Acoustic Tour”-Ally Kerr2019原声之旅巡演-深圳站
时间:2019.5.10 周五 20:30
场地:B10现场 http://www.b10live.cn
票价:预售 100 元;现场 150 元
※截止时间:5月10日 10:00
参演艺人:Ally Kerr
演出场地:深圳 B10现场
在苏格兰,他被誉为“最富生趣和最具创造性的音乐家之一”;在日本,他的歌被日式动画神作《虫师》(豆瓣9.4分)选为主题曲,从而收获粉丝无数;在中国,他和李志、万青在同一个音乐节演出,却遭遇无情风沙...他就是来自苏格兰格拉斯哥的独立音乐人Ally Kerr。
2004年,Ally Kerr推出了自己的首张专辑《Calling Out To You》,这张旋律优美的作品被日本知名音乐杂志评选为“苏格兰20张最佳专辑”之一,从而让他获得了去日本巡演的机会,专辑中的“The Sore Feet Song”也被日本著名动画《虫师》选为主题曲,成为无数动漫迷心中的经典之作。Ally Kerr甚至在日本遇到了爱情,把美丽的日本新娘娶回了苏格兰,简直是人生赢家。
2013年5月,Ally Kerr第一次来到中国,被邀请参加梦象音乐节。现在看来,这个命运多舛的音乐节的阵容简直无可挑剔:李志、万青、Sophie Zelmani、My little Airport...可惜天公不作美,无情的风沙使得演出无法正常进行:
“因为强风阵阵并且伴有设备倒塌的风险,有关部门禁止我们在舞台上面进行表演,”Ally Kerr回忆道。“当时的场面实在是太混乱了,所以我和其他一些艺术家决定直接在草坪上找块合适的地方,就地演出。”
虽然第一次中国之行不太顺利,但Ally Kerr还是希望能再回到这里演出,因为热情的粉丝和各种美食给他留下了难忘的美好回忆。2015年,Ally Kerr第二次来到中国,这一次是十个城市的专场演出,从北京到厦门,紧凑的行程甚至不足两周。巡演非常顺利和成功,有香港的歌迷专门跑到深圳去看他,也有心灵手巧的粉丝惟妙惟肖的画下他那张亲切无邪的面容。
Ally Kerr的性格和他温柔清澈的嗓音一样,他喜欢安静的在家中创作和打磨他的音乐,不算高产,但每一首都非常用心。2008年的《Off The Radar》,2013年的《Viva Melodia》,所有专辑的词曲均由自己创作完成。如今他又带来了最新专辑《Upgrade Me》,依然是熟悉的味道,但又有着更加丰富的配器和编曲,感觉就像是上一张专辑的自然生长。
“我开始和新的制作人合作,他是A New International乐队的Biff Smith。我们运用了更多的乐器和编曲,尤其注重了弦乐上的编排。”
为了能让更多中国乐迷听到自己的音乐,2018年末,Ally Kerr签约中国新晋独立厂牌Vibes,为在中国长期发展打下坚实基础。Vibes将负责他在中国地区的音乐发行、演出经纪等所有事务,并成为他和中国歌迷之间沟通的纽带。五月,Ally Kerr将带着新专辑《Upgarde Me》进行七个城市的巡回演出,把温柔治愈的声音带给喜欢他音乐的人们。这一次,你会在现场吗?
Ally Kerr Acoustic Tour in China 2019 - Shenzhen Station
Time: 2019.5.10 Friday 20:30
Venue: B10 Live http://www.b10live.cn
Add: Building C2, North District, OCT-LOFT, Nanshan District, Shenzhen
Tel: 0755 86337602 (15:00-18:00, info only)
Venue Support: OCT-LOFT Culture Development Co., Ltd
Admittance starts at 20:00.
Open area with several seats on both sides for resting purpose.
Fare: Advance 100 RMB; Walk-in 150 RMB
※Presale service available until 10:00 on May. 10
※At Door tickets may not be available if advance tickets were sold out. Please purchase the tickets as early as possible.
①Entity:Old Heaven Books (120#, A5, North District of OCT-LOFT)
②Taobao:Search Store "B10 Live"
Please send the following information to midori@b10live.cn at least ONE DAY before the concert:
1.Name 2.Phone number 3.Date of the concert 4.Quantity of tickets
Starts at 19:30 on the day at B10 Live.
Ally Kerr is a singer-songwriter from Glasgow, Scotland.
His first release, Midst Of The Storm, was a 7-inch vinyl single (EP) on the Spanish label Elefant Records. An album, Calling Out To You, followed on Japanese label Quince Records in 2004 and on Neon Tetra Records (UK) in 2005. Producers included Duglas T. Stewart (BMX Bandits), Duncan Cameron (Riverside Studios) and David Scott (The Pearlfishers). The Sore Feet Song was used as a theme to Japanese animated TV series Mushishi and released in Japan as a CD single through Marvelous Entertainment. The series has since aired in several countries and was released on DVD in America, Australia and the UK as well as being made available on Netflix.
Kerr's second album, Off The Radar, was recorded and produced by David Scott (The Pearlfishers), and released on Much Obliged Records (UK / Europe / US), Universal Records(Philippines)as well as in Japan on the Ultra-Vybe / Star Sign label in 2008, and through Triangle Music in South Korea. Kerr has spent time touring in Asia (Japan, Singapore,Philippines, Taiwan, China) and Europe. In June 2015 Kerr embarked on a headlining tour of China covering 10 cities following a 2013 trip to the country to play at two festivals.
His third album, Viva Melodiawas recorded with Marcus Mackay at The Diving Bell Lounge studio in Glasgow, and was produced by Biff Smith (The Starlets / A New International). It was released on Much Obliged Records (through Shellshock Distribution / The Orchard worldwide), licensed to Pastel Music (Korea) and distributed by Ultra Vybe(Japan).
Kerr has just completed the recording of his fourth album which was produced by Biff Smith (A New International / The Colour of Whisky) and engineered by Johnny Smillie in Glasgow. The album entitled Upgrade Me will be released on 18 January 2019.