Drums United World Beat中国巡演深圳站
时间:2014.12.3 周三 20:30 (至21:40)
场地:B10现场 http://www.b10live.cn
票价:预售/学生 80 元;现场 100 元
※截止时间:12.03 17:00
这些元素都在Drums Uniteds精彩的节目《心跳》中汇聚呈现。
Drums United 是一个很有爆发力的乐队。这支令人瞩目的国际化打击乐乐队由鼓手Lucas van Merwijk组建而成,他将世界各地的打击乐乐手和异彩纷呈的旋律带到了一起。Drums United由七个打击乐乐手组成,他们来自七个不同的国家:土耳其、塞内加尔、伊朗、荷兰、苏里南、巴西和委内瑞拉。这使得这个组合不仅仅是一支乐队。它不仅仅给予观众们听觉和视觉上的享受,而且还传达着这样的信息:有着不同国际背景的人们也能在一起出色地创作。
在之前的演出World of Rhythm和最近的演出Ritmo Inferno里,这支乐队融合了非洲、拉丁、西班牙和印度传统文化,贯穿以西方鼓乐,并且通过DJ的加入融合了当代电子乐。
自2002年创立以来,这支乐队就没有停下巡演的脚步。他们第一次现场演出World Of Rhythm现已制作成DVD和CD并公开销售。
Drums United在他们的歌舞和打击乐中包涵了丰富的传统创作元素,这使他们在打击乐组合中有着特殊的地位。
Lucas van Merwijk (荷兰) • 鼓 & 打击乐器
Alper Kekeç (土耳其) • 东方打击乐器
Simone Sou (巴西) • 巴西打击乐器
Gianna Tam (苏里南) • 鼓, 打击乐器 & 人声
Afra Mussawisadeh (伊朗) • 电子 & 东方打击乐器
Marco Toro (委内瑞拉) • 拉丁打击乐器
Moussé Pathé (塞内加尔) • 非洲打击乐器
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Drums-United/245981978762450
Drums United World Beat China Tour Shenzhen Station
Time: 2014.12.03 Wednesday 20:30
Venue: B10 Live http://www.b10live.cn
Add: North Side of Building B10, North District, OCT-LOFT, Nanshan District, Shenzhen
Tel: 0755 86337602 (15:00-18:00, info only)
Organizer: OCT-LOFT Culture Development Co., Ltd
Admittance starts at 20:00.
Open area with several seats on both sides for resting purpose.
Fare: Presale 80 RMB; At Door 100 RMB
※Presale service available until 17:00 on 12.03.
①Entity: Old Heaven Books (120#, A5, North District of OCT-LOFT)
②Online: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=41955300109
Please send the following information to midori.b10@gmail.com at least ONE DAY before the concert:
1.Name 2.Phone number 3.Date of the concert 4.Quantity of tickets
Ticket reservation will be closed 15 minutes before the show starts, please pick up your ticket at B10 Live in time.
3/At Door: B10 Live
※Starts at 19:30 on the day.
African drums, Dance, Hip Hop, Asian rhythms, Cuban rumba’s and much more.
It all comes together in Drums Uniteds thrilling new show Heartbeat..
Drums United is an explosive and exciting world-percussion group led by drummer Lucas van Merwijk, that brings together rhythms and percussionists from all directions.
Drums United is made up of 7 percussionists, from four continents and seven different countries, Turkey, Senegal, Iran, the Netherlands, Surinam, Brazil and Venezuela, and is much more than just a drum group. It’s a smoking live band that not only gives the audience an opportunity of listening and watching top players, but also imparts the underlying message that people from widely varying nationalities can work well together.
On both its previous show World of Rhythm and the current Ritmo Inferno the group mixes African, Latin, Spanish and Indian drum traditions with western drumming, utilizing contemporary electronic options open to the DJ.
Since its inception in 2002 the band has been virtually on tour all the time. Their first theatre program World Of Rhythm was recorded live and is out now on DVD as well as CD.
Drums United occupies a unique place in the world of percussion groups by combining elements of the rich traditions of percussion with those of song and dance.
Lucas van Merwijk (The Netherlands) • Drums & percussion
Alper Kekeç (Turkey) • Oriental percussion
Simone Sou (Brasil) • Brazilian percussion
Gianna Tam (Surinam) • Drums, percussion & vocals
Afra Mussawisadeh (Iran) • Electronics & oriental percussion
Marco Toro (Venezuela) • Latin percussion
Moussé Pathé (Senegal) • African percussion
More Information
Website: http://www.drumsunited.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Drums-United/245981978762450