法国爵士钢琴手Baptiste Trotignon三重奏
时间:2014.09.14 周日 20:30
场地:B10现场 http://www.b10live.cn
Baptiste Trotignon (法国)— 钢琴
Greg Hutchinson (美国)— 鼓
Matt Penmann (美国)— 贝斯
Baptiste Trotignon
毋庸置疑的,年方40岁的法国爵士钢琴家与作曲家Baptiste Trotignon,已经是当今世界爵士乐坛上一颗闪亮的巨星,不仅于创作力上交出多张精采的成绩单,现场令人叹为观止的音乐凝聚力,更是不容错过的感知体验!
八岁开始学习古典钢琴,在进入Nantes音乐院后继续古典音乐的学习,却意外发现爵士音乐的魅力,无师自通的结果是让他在十六岁时,即能公开演奏纯正爵士即兴的正式音乐会。1994年被导演Alain Corneau发掘参与电影演出后,他决定前往巴黎发展,并很快地以自己的钢琴三重奏活跃在全欧洲竞争最激烈的巴黎爵士乐坛,两张专辑旋即陆续获得法国专业媒体评鉴之爵士大奖,以及年度爵士乐风云人物等实至名归头衔,也开始延伸触角到世界上更多知名爵士音乐节与各国巡演。
2002年Baptiste Trotignon获得知名Martial Solal国际爵士大赛冠军,但得奖之路似乎从未停歇,一路过关斩将,所到之处风靡全场,发行的多张专辑包含爵士重奏与钢琴独奏等,都创下极佳的市场销售佳绩。诸多欧洲爵士大师纷纷力邀他参与演出与录音,譬如知名之法国爵士鼓王Andre Ceccarelli与意大利爵士鼓大师Aldo Romano等,跟后者的三重奏合作,更录制了「Flower Power」专辑,以爵士乐的形式重新改编诠释多首经典摇滚名作,扩展出更多跨界的拥护者及乐迷。
古典技巧杰出且视野宽宏的他,不但在爵士钢琴演奏与作曲、编曲、制作上都推出重量级巨作,并能持续跨界诠释古典乐曲,包含与古典钢琴家的二重奏巡演、创作与交响乐团合奏的协奏曲,以及法国当代电影的配乐等。更令人惊奇的是Baptiste Trotignon也是一位电风琴手,在意大利萨克斯风手Stefano Di Battista的专辑「Trouble Shootin'」中,可以见识到他如何在Hammond B3电风琴上,所展现的音乐魔力。虽然Baptiste Trotignon早已跟大西洋两岸之欧美乐手长年合作,但他一直到2008年,才录制了第一张在美国录音发行的「Share」专辑,跟他亲自挑选的梦幻乐手团队合作,却呈现出Baptiste Trotignon独具一格的音乐风格与个人色彩,专辑音乐极为好听,质量兼备。
近年来Baptiste Trotignon除持续录音、演出、创作、应邀跨刀以外,旅行足迹也愈来愈广,自欧洲到以色列、自加勒比海到日本,所到之处皆成功以精湛的音乐现场,与稳健的姿态风范征服人心!曾于2012台北国际爵士音乐节担任开场的演出嘉宾,特别受爵士音乐家启彬与凯雅与爵士原力邀请,与台湾学子分享他在音乐上的多年独家心得与合奏秘诀!
今年秋天,Baptiste Trotignon带着他的新专辑EPK来到中国,和贝斯Matt Penmann、鼓手Greg Hutchinson为我们带来精彩的爵士三重奏之夜。
Baptiste Trotignon
Matt Penmann:http://www.mattpenman.com/Site/Welcome.html
Greg Hutchinson:http://www.gregoryhutchinson.com/
French Jazz Pianist Baptiste Trotignon Trio
Time: 2014.09.14 Sunday 20:30
Venue: B10 Live http://www.b10live.cn
Add: North Side of Building B10, North District, OCT-LOFT, Nanshan District, Shenzhen
Tel: 0755 86337602 (15:00-18:00, info only)
Organizer: OCT-LOFT Culture Development Co., Ltd
Admittance starts at 20:00.
General seating based on first come first served policy.
Fare: Presale 60 RMB; At Door 80 RMB
※Presale service available until 17:00 on the day.
①Entity: Old Heaven Books (120#, A5, North District of OCT-LOFT)
②Online: http://www.huodongxing.com/go/b10live20140914
Please send the following information to midori.b10@gmail.com at least ONE DAY before the concert:
1.Name 2.Phone number 3.Date of the concert 4.Quantity of tickets
Ticket reservation will be closed 15 minutes before the show starts, please pick up your ticket at B10 Live in time.
3/At Door: B10 Live
※Starts at 19:30 on the day.
Baptiste Trotignon (FR) - Piano
Greg Hutchinson (U.S.A.) - Drums
Matt Penmann (U.S.A.) - Bass
Baptiste Trotignon
Born near Paris in 1974, Baptiste Trotignon grew up in the Loire region, outside Saumur. He started playing the piano when he was 8, and a few years later he joined the Nantes Conservatory, where he won prizes for piano and harmony. In his teenage years, he discovered and taught himself jazz and improvisation, performing his first concerts at the age of sixteen.
2012 was an eventful year... After over 80 concerts in France, Europe and Asia, Baptiste releases this fall an amazing and bold album entitled «Song, Song, Song» where he invites an amazing handful of voices to join him: Jeanne Added, Monica Passos, Miossec (with whom he co-wrote two songs) and delicious Melody Gardot. This «declaration of love for the voice» (Le Monde) combines with relish his universe as a composer with carefully chosen covers of French songs played on the piano solo. The album is a critical and commercial success. At the same time his Concerto for Piano «Different Spaces” was created by Nicholas Angelich, and the O.N.B.A, his first major orchestral work, written entirely without improvisation, was received with great enthusiasm at its creation. The recording of this album is planned for 2014-2015. This new aspect of his work has led him to develop these kinds of projects (soundtrack for Vincent Trintigant-Corneau, writing a first String Quartet ...).
In September 2013, Naïve will release a new album «Dusk is a quiet place,» performed as a duet with saxophonist Mark Turner (who he meets again several years after «Share»), consisting mainly of ballads with a captivating and nocturnal atmosphere.
He has played with: (alphabetical order)
Ambrose Akinmusire, Nicholas Angelich, Stephane Belmondo, Lionel Belmondo, Fabrizio Bosso, Sylvain Beuf, André Ceccarelli, Alban Darche, Riccardo Del Fra, Stefano Di Battista, David El-Malek, Christian Escoudé, Laika Fatien, Jean Fauque, Glenn Ferris, Anne Gastinel, Eric Harland, Tom Harrell, Donald Harrison, Gregory Hutchinson, Ari Hoenig, Bob Hurst, Manu Katché, Angelique Kidjo, Elisabeth Kontomanou, Bireli Lagrène, Eric Le Lann, Eric Le Sage, Didier Lockwood, Jeanette Lindstrom, Jean-Loup Longnon, Russell Malone, Albert Mangelsdorff, Rick Margitza, Brad Mehldau, Malik Mezzadri, Christophe Miossec, Bill Mobley, Francois et Louis Moutin, David Murray, Milton Nascimento, Claude Nougaro, Dré Pallemaerts, Leon Parker, Jeremy Pelt, Michel Portal, Enrico Rava, Aldo Romano, Jacques Schwarz-Bart, Archie Shepp, Geoffroy Tamisier, Alexandre Tassel, Mark Turner, Alexandre Tharaud, Jean Toussaint, Reggie Washington, Jeff «Tain» Watts, Kenny Wheeler, Bojan Z... and many others…
More Information
Baptiste Trotignon
Matt Penmann:http://www.mattpenman.com/Site/Welcome.html
Greg Hutchinson:http://www.gregoryhutchinson.com/