英国金属核班霸 While She Sleeps 中国巡演深圳站
时间:2015.09.06 周日 20:30
场地:B10现场 http://www.b10live.cn
票价:预售 180 元;现场 260 元
※截止时间:9月6日 00:00
While She Sleeps(以下简称WSS)于2006年在英国谢菲尔德成军,成员包括主唱Lawrence Taylor、吉他手Sean Long和Mat Welsh、贝司手Aaran Mackenzie以及鼓手Adam Savage。
在经历了乐队初期在地下圈的摸爬滚打之后,WSS获得了许多知名厂牌的青睐,2010年,他们正式签约在英国独立厂牌Small Town Records旗下,并于同年7月发表了首张EP《The North Stands for Nothing》。这是一张让WSS彻底浮出水面的唱片,之后他们获得了参加许多大型巡演和音乐节的机会,其中包括与Bring Me The Horizon一起巡演,以及参战英国最大重型音乐节Sonisphere。
2011年年底,WSS进棚录制首张专辑,在经过了录音以及后期制作的反复修改之后,他们终于在2012年8月在重型名厂Search and Destroy旗下发表了专辑《This Is the Six》。这张唱片自发表之后就以迅雷不及掩耳之势一路飙升,最高排位达到英国专辑榜第27位。主打单曲《Dead Behind the Eyes》更是力邀加拿大硬核班霸Comeback Kid主唱Andrew Neufel献声。之后WSS更是马不停蹄地开始巡演,同台乐队包括New Found Glory、The Blackout、Letlive等等。年底,WSS荣膺由权威音乐杂志KERRANG!颁发的“英国年度最佳新人奖”(Best British Newcomer)。2013年夏天,WSS更是应邀全程参演北美最大音乐节巡演VANS WARPED TOUR。
While She Sleeps - Our Legacy
While She Sleeps - Four Walls
Britain Metal Core Band While She Sleeps China Tour Shenzhen Station
Time: 2015.09.06 Sunday 20:30
Venue: B10 Live http://www.b10live.cn
Add: Building C2, North District, OCT-LOFT, Nanshan District, Shenzhen
Tel: 0755 86337602 (15:00-18:00, info only)
Organizer: OCT-LOFT Culture Development Co., Ltd
Admittance starts at 20:00.
Open area with several seats on both sides for resting purpose.
Fare: Presale 180 RMB; At Door 260 RMB
※Presale service available until 00:00 on Sep.6th
①Entity: Old Heaven Books (120#, A5, North District of OCT-LOFT)
②Taobao: https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=521401039605
Please send the following information to midori@b10live.cn at least ONE DAY before the concert:
1.Name 2.Phone number 3.Date of the concert 4.Quantity of tickets
Ticket reservation will be closed 15 minutes before the show starts, please pick up your ticket at B10 Live in time.
3/At Door: B10 Live
※Starts at 19:30 on the day.
“Brainwashed”, the second full-length from Sheffield’s While She Sleeps, is not just an album. It’s a mission statement. It’s the culmination of what the band’s five members - vocalist Loz Taylor, guitarists Mat Welsh and Sean Long, bassist Aaran McKenzie and drummer Adam Savage - went through in order to make it, a physical manifestation of pure triumph in the face of adversity. It’s an album that got made both in spite of and because of the things that threatened to prevent that happening - serious trouble with Taylor’s vocal chords that required two bouts of surgery and which essentially delayed the making of the record by a whole year. Suffice to say, for everyone involved, the fact that “Brainwashed” is almost finally here, is a both a big relief and huge cause for celebration.
Inspired by their experiences in making this record - and their triumph at finally getting it done some 13 months after they first went into the studio in November 2013 - a sense of hope does indeed flow through these songs. Yes, there’s rage and anger, but it’s channeled into something positive, something inspiring. “I feel like there are so many bands out there,” says Loz, “in a position where they can say what they want, but I feel like a lot of the time it’s wasted. Even though it goes backwards and forwards from negative to positive, what we’re trying to do is put out a positive message at the end of it. Especially for me, when I was a young kid getting into metal, there was a real sense of unity there, and I think going to local shows and coming through that sometimes has lost its unity and it’s not for the same sort of reasons. The unity is gone, and I think we’re trying to bring it back and I think that comes through with how gang vocally the new stuff is. We just like the sense of unity and the album for me has a working together for the greater good sort of vibe. That’s kind of the long and short of it.” “We hope we can make a difference,” says Aaran. “Anybody with a platform to speak out to people, they should do the right thing, and we think this is the right thing. I’m not saying we’ve got any answers, by any means, but we just want to make people more aware.”
“This album,” says Sean, “is probably the most important thing we can collectively say we’ve been a part of. So it’s quite a big deal! Given the amount of shit we’ve been through lately this album is made from our own feelings. We’ve had such a tough year and it’s all been crammed into this one thing that we’ve called “Brainwashed”.” “It feels like the record where everything’s come together for us as a band,” adds Mat. “It’s an honest representation of who we are as people and what we’ve been through the last few years. It’s a very definitive record. It’s everything we’ve been working towards, and we all adore it.”
This September, While She Sleeps will be carrying their this new album “Brainwashed” to China and begin their first China tour.
More Information
While She Sleeps - Our Legacy
While She Sleeps - Four Walls