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讲座 Talk ● 通向未来的自由形式:WFMU的音乐和美国独立电台 Freeform to the Future: WFMU's Music and Independent U.S. Radio


Freeform to the Future: WFMU's Music and Independent U.S. Radio


时间 Time

2016.5.14 14:00 - 16:00

场地 Venue

华侨城创意文化园北区A3+ A3+, North District of OCT-LOFT


主讲人 Speaker

Brian Turner(美国 U.S.A.)

WFMU音乐总监 Music director of WFMU


Brian Turner将与我们分享关于独立电台WFMU迷人的一切:它独特的历史;它关于自由形式(相对于“特定类型”)节目的哲学;它是如何善用基于视觉/网络的方式来与艺术家及厂牌联动,从而构建这样一个社区型的电台;它的档案馆藏;它与地下音乐的羁绊;它是如何不依靠政府或商业资源而成功筹集资金……以及以上种种如何共同将它造就为一个为全世界听众所熟知的文化机构。




WFMU极富冒险精神,从它突破性的节目内容与设置中就可见一斑。无论是在地下音乐圈还是大众音乐圈,它都是超前的,也因此在世界范围内都享有盛名。它曾连续四年被《滚石》杂志评为最佳电台;《纽约时报》有一篇专题以它为主题;它还拥有一部关于它的纪录片;《WIRE》杂志、John Peel、Matt Groening等业内的资深人士或媒体都对它有着极高的评价。


关于Brian Turner

Brian Turner自1996年起一直在WFMU担任音乐总监。每周一次的电台节目完美地记录了他不拘一格的音乐品味和关于声音的独特视野。他的节目模糊了实验和流行的边界,也拓展了广播电台的未曾被开发的可能性。被他邀入棚内采访的人中,不乏小野洋子(Yoko Ono)、 Iancu Dumitrescu和John Lydon这样的传奇人物;他也邀请了包括Wire、the Ex、Negative Approach、Lee Ranaldo、Skullflower和The Necks在内的许多音乐人和乐队在节目中进行现场表演。他同时还为电台策划了许多音乐节和音乐会,在他的“掌勺”之下,聚焦来自世界各地、不为大多数人所知,却绝对过耳难忘的声音。无怪乎Julian Cope会称他为“一个有着超前思维的混账”!

Brian Turner will discuss WFMU radio's unique independent history, philosophy about freeform (as opposed to genre-specific) programming, how that as well as visual/internet-based methods can be used as a tool to network with artists and labels and build up a community station, how WFMU fundraises independent of government or commercial sources, its archives, approach to underground music and how it all ties together to make it a well-known cultural institution amongst its listenership.


About WFMU

WFMU is a free-form, fully listener-sponsored station serving the New York City area, New Jersey, and broadcasting worldwide on the internet. It's the best known, respected and publicized independent radio station in the USA, that offers a wide variety of programming and music unheard on even public and college radio. It also runs a music venue within its building.

The station has built massive worldwide acclaim as a purveyor in adventurous programming and being well-ahead of music’s underground and overground curve. It was listed as #1 station in the USA by Rolling Stone critics for 4 consecutive years, subject of a New York Times magazine feature, feature film documentary and has gotten accolades from the WIRE, John Peel, Matt Groening and other luminaries.


About Brian Turner

Brian Turner has been Music Director at WFMU since 1996. His eclectic tastes and sound vision are well-documented via his weekly radio show which blurs experimental/pop boundaries and takes radio to serious outer realms, and he’s hosted interviews in studio with everyone from legends like Yoko Ono, Iancu Dumitrescu and John Lydon, live performances with Wire, the Ex, Negative Approach, Lee Ranaldo, Skullflower, The Necks, and more. Turner’s also curated many festivals and concerts for the station, and in his music direction showers the spotlight on an impressive array of sounds from around the world unheard by most. “A forward-thinking motherf**ker!” – Julian Cope.