We Lost The Sea 2019 新专辑巡演 深圳站
时间:2019.11.01 周五 20:30
场地:B10现场 http://www.b10live.cn
票价:预售 100 元;现场 120 元
※截止时间:11月01日 00:00
①淘宝:搜索店铺“B10 Live”
参演艺人:We Lost The Sea
演出场地:深圳 B10现场
We Lost The Sea
携新专辑《Triumph & Disaster》强势回归!
作为当下优秀的器乐摇滚乐团之一,We Lost The Sea的音乐融合了氛围、前卫摇滚、后摇等多种元素,在宏大气度与暗色调旋律的笼罩下,如同波澜壮阔的史诗画卷,磅礴而震撼。他们曾与Rosetta 、Russian Circles、This Will Destroy You 等乐队一同巡演,是澳大利亚以及国际上公认的杰出现场乐队。去年,We Lost The Sea来到中国,在九座城市演绎了悲怆沉郁、震撼恢弘的经典专辑《Departure Songs》,史诗般的现场令无数中国乐迷记忆深刻。
We Lost The Sea组建于2007年,从2010年发布首张专辑《Crimea》开始,风格由最初的后金属转变为后摇,并可谓是相当完美的转型。尔后的第二张专辑《The Quietest Place on Earth》获得国内外多方媒体盛赞和乐迷的狂热追捧,与Converge以及Godspeed You! Black Emperor等大团一并列入BandCamp2012年*专辑名单。2015年,We Lost The Sea凭借一部英雄的史诗之作《Depature Songs》走向音乐生涯的高峰。
如果说《Departure songs》是对We Lost The Sea意义深重的转折点,那么新专辑《Triumph & Disaster》就是乐队全面超越旧我的革新之作。也许在“Towers” “A Beautiful Collapse”等单曲中你依旧能感受到他们决绝的气魄,但在“Distant Shores”“Mother’s Hymn”中,你也会注意到一个新的、柔软的、富有回旋余地的悠悠歌者,卸下铠甲,回归母体的本真。
《Triumph & Disaster》是一个后世界末日的故事,它更像一个讲给孩子听的寓言。讲述了世界末日降临后,一位母亲和她的儿子在地球上的最后一天。音乐描绘了毁灭与悲剧,表达爱、失去和放手。《Triumph & Disaster》用艺术的方式探索了人类的发展如何对世界造成毁灭性的影响。和前作的史诗般的视角相比,这张专辑从一个高卓的概念开始,以微妙的情感变化制造出悲伤的阴影,像一双疲倦耷拉的双眼凝视人类最后的时刻。在黑暗中也保留了童真、纯净和一丝希望,却仍是飘忽不定。这希望就在孩童的心灵和手中。以此为基点,《Triumph & Disaster》想要唤起我们更高尚的良知。
第二支单曲“A Beautiful Collapse”在缓慢温柔的絮语中展开,层次渐进,情绪堆叠,在至高处依旧强劲的鼓点和吉他Riff显示出强烈的生命意志。
“A Beautiful Collapse”着眼于人类故事的最末尾,当我们在失败的路上越走越远,忽略科学,无视地球在贪婪掠夺下的绝望,人类来到了崩溃的边缘。起初,音乐带着乡愁情绪,追忆往昔, 沉湎于伟大的过去。接着乐曲急转直下,一场无法阻止的灾难性巨变:我们对技术的依赖与追捧,以及快速发展带来的严重问题。
也许它是从宇宙的宏观视角,见证人类文明的出现和消失,一切只不过是宇宙雷达上闪烁的小光点。又或许,它是从一位冷漠但全知全能的*存在的视角,带着病态的好奇心,观察人性最后的阵痛。毁灭是创造的一种形式。一次美丽的坍塌。”——We Lost The Sea
2019年,We Lost The Sea将携新作《Triumph & Disaster》来到成都、西安、北京、上海、杭州、南京、武汉、长沙、深圳、广州10座城市,我们现场见!
WE LOST THE SEA “Triumph and Disaster” China Tour 2019 Live in Shenzhen
Time: 2019.11.01 Friday 20:30
Venue: B10 Live http://www.b10live.cn
Add: Building C2, North District, OCT-LOFT, Nanshan District, Shenzhen
Tel: 0755 86337602 (15:00-18:00, info only)
Venue Support: OCT-LOFT Culture Development Co., Ltd
Admittance starts at 20:00.
Open area with several seats on both sides for resting purpose.
Fare: Advance 100 RMB; Walk-in 120 RMB
※Presale service available until 00:00 on Nov.01
※At Door tickets may not be available if advance tickets were sold out. Please purchase the tickets as early as possible.
①Taobao:Search Store "B10 Live"
Starts at 19:30 on the day at B10 Live.
New Noise is very proud to present a full China tour for Sydney based instrumentalists We Lost the Sea presenting their brand new album Triumph and Disaster which continues to amaze people all around the world. The band will play 10 shows in China upcoming October/November. Their last tour was a personal New Noise favourite and ended up very high in the best show lists of that year. Triumph & Disaster is a post-apocalyptic view on the collapse of the world told like a children’s story and illustrated through the eyes of a mother and her son as they spend one last day on Earth. In this album We Lost the Sea tries to talk about themes and events such as the climate crisis, over consumption, isolation, and the loss of love and trust. It is a lament for our planet, all of us on it and the beauty we will leave behind. The music is the narrative for the destruction and tragedy. The words tell the story of love, loss and letting go.
Following their successful first China tour for their modern classic Departure Songs, a record about heroism and sacrifice in the presence of insurmountable odds, We Lost the Sea return with a new conceptual collection of songs that is centered around the evolving and harrowing tragedy of an era that should be our proudest yet continues to unfold as one of our most regretful. Triumph and Disaster is an artistic exploration of how our greatest advances have brought our world to the brink of destruction. The record is in ways a reversal of the thematic elements of its predecessor. Rather than giving melancholic ideas an epic scope, We Lost the Sea begin with a towering concept and bring to it nuanced emotional shadings and a sadness painted with unique whimsy as it ponders the feeling of gazing upon the sweeping grandeur of what was once ours one final time through tired, crestfallen eyes.
Amidst the darkness of our self-imposed downfall there yet remains innocence and purity and a sense of hopefulness, however fleeting. This largely rests in the hands and minds of children, which reveals a secondary possibility regarding the triumph of the album’s title. In the face of ever-intensifying odds, the dream of a better world dances through this resilient space where ambition and cynicism have yet to combust. It is from this youthful perspective that Triumph and Disaster aims to act as a call to our nobler sensibilities. It is an impassioned love letter to the human spirit, seething and tearful in both its longing for a return to reason and its disquiet surrounding the real possibility of accepting our impending demise. But even as its central figures watch the world fade away, there is a reminder that there may still be time for us to avoid sharing that same fate.