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Guru Guru

Guru Guru
德国 Germany

时间 Time
2019.05.19 20:20 - 21:20

场地 Venue
华侨城创意文化园北区B10现场 B10 Live, North District of OCT-LOFT

演出者 Artist
Mani Neumeier - 鼓 Drums / 打击乐 Percussion / Kaossilator合成器 Kaossilator / 人声 Vocals
Roland Schaeffer - 吉他 Guitar / 萨克斯 Saxophone / 印度唢呐 Nadaswaram / 人声 Vocals
Peter Kühmstedt - 贝斯 Bass / 人声 Vocals
Jan Lindqvist - 吉他 Guitar / 钢棒吉他 Lap Steel Guitar / 人声 Vocals

Guru Guru五十一岁了,也就是说,Krautrock也五十一岁了!而Mani Neumeier(1940年生)与其创立的Guru Guru,依然是德国最活跃和高产的摇滚乐队之一。

成立于1968年的Guru Guru已走过五十一个年头,却依旧保持着高涨的创造力。很多音乐家只是昙花一现,而Guru Guru既不追随主流也不追赶潮流,而是通过将实验摇滚、前卫音乐、爵士乐和世界音乐融为一体,开拓出一条独一无二,且忠于摇滚的音乐道路。

历经风雨,Guru Guru的乐队成员也几度更换。如今,除创始人兼鼓手Mani Neumeier之外,Guru Guru中还有两位屹立超过四十年的成员——吉他手/萨克斯手Roland Schaeffer和贝斯手Peter Kühmstedt。2016年,他们经历了一次重创——从上世纪八十年代就作为Guru Guru吉他手的Hans Reffert离世了。而后,新任吉他手Jan Lindqvist加入,乐队克服悲痛并再次证明了他们对音乐创作从未疲倦。今天,他们是世界上活跃时间最长的摇滚乐队之一,仅次于The Rolling Stones。Guru Guru也是一支不断挑战主流音乐的乐队,勇于跳出限制与流派之外,2018年发行的最新专辑《Rotate!》也是一个力证!

正如德国杂志《Musikexpress》所称,Guru Guru就像是“身经百战的德国摇滚旗舰”。他们出版了超过40张作品,许多经典仍让无数乐迷为之着迷,而且现场魅力十足!像《Ooga Booga Special》这首作品,最早出现在他们七十年代的一次现场演出,跨越了数十年,现在听来依然毫不失色;还有他们1974年发表的《Der Elektrolurch》,这首地下金曲为Krautrock的历史添上了浓墨重彩的一笔,至今仍是他们演出现场的绝活之一。

所以,那些以为Guru Guru会要放慢脚步、Mani Neumeier想要退休的人,可以说是大错特错了。五十一年过去,Guru Guru依旧独一无二!

51 years of Guru Guru - that's 51 years of Krautrock!

If you hadn't believed possible that Mani Neumeier (born 1940) and his Guru Guru still rank among Germany's most active and prolific rock bands, well, then you'd be proven wrong!

Founded in 1968, Guru Guru has reached its 50th anniversary and still maintains its innovative spirit. Where many a musician made it big as a one-hit-wonder just to fade into oblivion soon after, Guru Guru carved its way outside the mainstream and short lived trends by blending experimental rock, avant-garde, jazz and world-music into an unique, original form of rock’n’roll.

No one will deny that there were ups and downs, but nowadays, Mani shares the stage with two long-standing companions. Roland Schaeffer and Peter Kühmstedt have been with Guru Guru for more than 40 years. The passing of Hans Reffert, aged 69, was a severe blow, but with newly recruited guitar player Jan Lindqvist they overcame this tragedy and proved that they are not in the least tired of creating music. Those four "Krautrockers" are living legends and next to the Rolling Stones among the longest-serving rock bands on this planet. Mani Neumeier and his Gurus are the epitome of a band that defies musical trends and fads and transcends limitations and genres even on their newest CD called “Rotate!”.

After more than 40 releases, Guru Guru demonstrates that the “overhauled Flagship of German Rock” - as they have been called by the german magazine Musikexpress -  have not lost their ability to entrance the audience and provide an extraordinary spectacle. Songs like "Ooga Booga Special" span the decades, from the early days of "Magic Tree” to their latest studio album "Rotate!" which has been released to celebrate the band's 50th anniversary in 2018. Never to be missed of course is the immortal “Der Elektrolurch": The underground-hit that has written “Krautrock” history and is, to this day, an integral part in the band's live performance.

Whoever thought that Guru Guru would slow down or that Mani would retire to a quiet life in the countryside couldn't be more wrong. After 50 years they continue to go their own way!

Therefore remains: GURU GURU - they were not only - no - they are still unique!

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