珊蔻与乐队——《赤裸的灵魂》音乐会 深圳站
时间:2019.5.31 周五 20:30
场地:B10现场 http://www.b10live.cn
票价:预售 260 元;现场 300 元
※截止时间:5月31日 00:00
参演艺人:珊蔻与乐队 Sainkho Cosmos
演出场地:深圳 B10现场
──珊蔻·娜赤娅克〈Naked Spirit〉
宁静空灵的天籁、超脱世俗的美,这些都是珊蔻歌声基本的底色,但她的魅力不止于此。更令世人惊奇的是,26年之前她的作品竟在这两年打破次元壁,于互联网上引起热潮。珊蔻1992年推出的专辑《Lost Rivers》在国内各大社交网站一夜爆红,曲中各种各样挑战人类极限的声音,让这首歌在B站达到70万人次阅读量、网易云评论超过20万,也使她成为国内百万网友们追捧热议的“神曲女王”。
一曲地狱,一曲天堂,只有珊蔻能做到游刃有余,宛如神仙做游戏,网友不仅感叹,从咒骂到痴迷,只有10首歌的距离。从早期治愈人心的天籁民谣《Old Melodie》,到后期灵动带电的《Dance of Eagle》,珊蔻特别强调声音技巧的表现,并在艺术风格上不断地挑战极限和边缘。也因她打破图瓦传统"女人不得呼麦"的禁忌,曾一度被图瓦限制入境,甚至遭受攻击,却也让珊蔻成为我们非听不可的传奇女伶。
2018年,珊蔻与囊括世界各地优异音乐人的组合——珊蔻与乐队Sainkho Kosmos于战马音乐节首次登台演出,有别于昔日以个人的形式演出,此次演出珊蔻与认识多年、来自世界各地的杰出音乐家——包括二重奏合作伙伴、现任职美国伯克利音乐学院的Ned Rothenberg;认识超过25年的鼓手/主唱Samm Bennett;即兴吉他手Kazuhisa Uchihashi以及贝斯手Peter Scherr,将爵士、世界音乐、实验声响、即兴与图瓦传统民谣等各种元素融合再造,创造出前所未见的音乐现场,深深震撼北京、上海,许多观众直言珊蔻的演出是一生必看的现场。此次中国巡演,也是珊蔻在周游世界巡演40多年来,首次接受国内重要新媒体平台如一条、一席、澎湃新闻等深度专访 。
1) The Friend I Met 邂逅(图瓦语)
2) Bai Lo Tai Ga 白罗泰迦(图瓦语)
3) Falling Sky 梦(俄语)
4) Sainkho improvisation 即兴(图瓦语)
5) Nostalgie 乡愁(图瓦语)
6)Yellow Flower 黄色的花(图瓦语)
7) Snowfall 雪(图瓦语)
8) Worker’s Song 劳动者之歌(图瓦语)
9) Dance of Eagle 鹰之舞(图瓦语)
10) Mezegey梅泽戈依(图瓦语)
11)Old melody 古老旋律(图瓦语)
12) Ash song灰烬之歌(葡萄牙语)
13) Lonely Soul孤独幽灵(英文)
14) Erge Chikka Choraanimny 爱歌奇卡唱诗班(图瓦语)
15) Turn and Tumble Roll and Rumble 难过时请回头(英文)
16) Doo Dah Day 节日(英文)
Sainkho Kosmos Naked Spirit Concert 2019 in Shenzhen
Time: 2019.5.31 Friday 20:30
Venue: B10 Live http://www.b10live.cn
Add: Building C2, North District, OCT-LOFT, Nanshan District, Shenzhen
Tel: 0755 86337602 (15:00-18:00, info only)
Venue Support: OCT-LOFT Culture Development Co., Ltd
Admittance starts at 20:00.
Open area with several seats on both sides for resting purpose.
Fare: Advance 260 RMB; Walk-in 300 RMB
※Presale service available until 00:00 on May. 31
※At Door tickets may not be available if advance tickets were sold out. Please purchase the tickets as early as possible.
①Entity:Old Heaven Books (120#, A5, North District of OCT-LOFT)
②Taobao:Search Store "B10 Live"
Please send the following information to midori@b10live.cn at least ONE DAY before the concert:
1.Name 2.Phone number 3.Date of the concert 4.Quantity of tickets
Starts at 19:30 on the day at B10 Live.
If Huun-Huur-Tu is a glimpse at Tuvian traditional music at its purest then Sainkho Namtchylak is a glimpse at the future. At 61 years old, the artist is a khoomei renegade, a female singer whose voice spans seven octaves (from a throaty demonic growl to a high-pitched falsetto) who has since used her gift to take the traditional music of Tuva and bring it into a new era.
A highly versatile artist, whose work ranges from extremely abstract experimental music to more straightforward jazz and soothing world music, she is beloved in both the world music circuit for her throat singing, as well as in free improvisation circles for her use of extended techniques and her frequent collaborations.Combining elements of avant-jazz, electronic music while referencing blues, desert rock and more into her modern compositions, there’s a trailblazing quality to her music that is simply hypnotic. Singing in three languages—Tuvan, Russian, English— Namtchylak's voice makes an immediate and inescapable emotional impact - and has left audiences around the world speechless. Though ‘first and foremost a woman from the Steppes’ she has collaborated with the Moscow State Orchestra, the Moscow-based jazz ensemble Tri-O and many other avant-garde musicians from Europe – including Evan Parker and members of Tinariwen.
A prolific artist, she has over thirty albums under belt, and continues to explore new frontiers in her music from her base in Vienna, where she has been based since 1997. "I like to give live improvisations during my shows, because studio recordings are an absolutely different way of creating music. In the studio you can stop each time and have many takes since there is no audience. In a live show there is only one chance and you have to keep the spirit of the music within a lively, floating atmosphere and give your best to the audience," she adds.
Her band, Sainkho Kosmos are a group of educated instrumentalists and jazz musicians. The songs she will perform in the upcoming festival will include some old traditional Tuva songs and her songs from published albums as well as new unpublished songs. As always with Namtchylak expect a spellbinding performance that’ll capture the imagination of audiences with her aural depictions of natural and spiritual life.