Shii & West By West「H₂O₂ 双氧水」2020 联合巡演 深圳站
时间:2020.10.30 周五 20:30
票价:预售100 元;全价120元
※截止时间:10月30日 00:00
双氧水 H₂O₂,电解后产生氧气和水,没有人能离开它们。憋闷的一年转眼过半,正在温习行走和呼吸的我们,对空气和水的渴望从未如此强烈。
在同样的渴望中,Shii 和 West By West 将从 2020 年 10 月 21 日起,携手开启「H₂O₂ 双氧水」2020 联合巡演,两位来自美丽唱片的新锐唱作女孩,将带着她们的新鲜音乐和靓丽气质,从秋天,一直带你走到充满生机和色彩的地方。
美丽唱片 × M-LAB pres.
Shii & West By West
「H₂O₂ 双氧水」联合巡演
预售 100 RMB
全价 120 RMB
10.21 重庆 坚果LIVEHOUSE
10.22 成都 CH8冇独空间 东郊店
10.23 上海 育音堂音乐公园
10.25 杭州 LOOPY
10.30 深圳 B10 LIVE
10.31 广州 不大空间
11.01 北京 乐空间
Shii 和 West By West 的音乐都在电子乐和独立摇滚的交融下产生,也都像少女日记一样,用她们的声音表达着敏锐的感性体验。时而轻盈迷幻,时而急速充满张力,她们的音乐作品和气质一如水和空气,柔软而充满流动之美。而「电解」一词更是此次「H₂O₂ 双氧水」巡演主题的重要衍伸,Shii 与 West By West 将接通十足电力,连贯地呈现极具动态性的现场演出,像水一样绵延,电光一样贯通。
Photo by 负鲸
Shii 的作品好像总是有水的影子,“浮动”、“Bubble”、“绵延”……听来总能让人耳目一新,她在武汉的家也位于长江边上。
Photo by TylerQDurden
这将是 Shii 的第二次全国巡演。在去年她的首张全长专辑《浮动能指》同名巡演中,Shii 与现代舞者搭档,将整场演出分成三个章节的段落设置,配合她极具辨识度的悦耳旋律,让巡演来的格外惊艳。而今的 Shii 有着比以往更为成熟自如的现场风格,《绵延》EP 和一系列颇受好评的新单曲,也将在新的舞台上亮相。刚入选“硬地年度新声”的 Shii,期待与任何一位音乐伙伴擦出火花。
West By West
Photo by 马塔
West By West 是美丽唱片今年推出的重磅新声,7 月份刚发行了她的首张同名全长专辑《西偏西》。来自西安的她,音乐中铺陈着时间的隽永,中文韵律的古典气质与电子乐铺陈的现代感,在她的歌曲中默契十足,其诗意和欲说还休的韵味,也同样令人流连。West By West 音乐中紧张的戏剧性,声音中潜藏的巨大能量,以及海潮一般的情绪,都将在现场凸显得更加强烈。
Photo by 欢欢
Shii & West By West「H₂O₂ 双氧水」联合巡演同样由 M-LAB 与美丽唱片联合呈献,这场少女力十足的秋日巡演即将开启,两位气质独特的音乐诗人,将会为你营造一个充满水与氧气的明亮世界。
Shii & West By West - H₂O₂ 2020 Tour in Shenzhen
Time: 2020.10.30 Friday 20:30
Venue: B10 Live
Add: Building C2, North District, OCT-LOFT, Nanshan District, Shenzhen
Venue Support: OCT-LOFT Culture Development Co., Ltd
Admittance starts at 19:30.
Fare: Advance 100 RMB;Full-price 120 RMB
※Presale service available until 00:00 on Oct. 30
※At Door tickets may not be available if advance tickets were sold out. Please purchase the tickets as early as possible.
Shii is a Chengdu indie electronic artists currently residing in Wuhan, China. She injects a much-needed dose of femininity and sensitivity to the increasingly macho Chinese electronic music scene. Shii's production draws elements from IDM, glitch and dream pop, and her songs tell stories about her fantasies, angst and her insights about the world -- the result is an evocative, dreamy and intimate sound.
Shii first started releasing her demos on the internet in 2016 and soon caught the attention of many fans and labels in China. She has been invited to perform in Simple Life Festival, StreetVoice's The Big Landing, Fete de la Musique and more. She signed with Beijing label Merrie Records in early 2019, and her debut record “Floating Signifiers” was released on 21st, July 2019.
West By West
Xi'an singer-songwriter and producer Wang XiXi, who operates under the name West By West, mesmerizes on her self-titled debut, out on Merrie Records. While the aesthetics of West By West’s music may be inherently digital, displaying a daft sense of rhythmic control and impeccable production, the emotions are vividly organic, rising and falling across the often treacherous musical terrain. Steeped in a moody haze of smouldering desire, fleeting moments, and hushed sorrow, there’s a haunting beauty to the emotional entanglements that crystallize across the album, leaving one with the sensation of punch-drunk love. Seductive in its pull, its spell lingers long afterwards.