拉脱维亚后朋克ANAIT2025“舞落鸿渊”中国巡演 · 深圳站
时间:2025.02.21 20:00
场地:B10现场 http://www.b10live.cn
票价:预售 ¥180 全价 ¥220 双人 ¥340
※截止时间:2025年2月21日 00:00
ANAIT 的声音仿佛带着一丝神秘气息,情感明亮而真挚,却又倾向冷色调——这正是来自波罗的海地区的乐队,所赋予音乐的独特风味。
自乐队成立以来,ANAIT 的作品便始终展现出深刻的个人情感表达,直击听众内心最柔软的部分。他们通过不断打破音乐的界限,带领我们进入一个在困境中挣扎却无法逃脱的世界。正是这种深刻的共鸣,使得他们在短短时间内,迅速积累了大量忠实听众。
作为一支成立仅两年的新兴乐队,ANAIT 敏锐地把握住了当代年轻人情感的脉搏。在他们的新歌中,一种无法挽回的失落感挥之不去。仿佛心中的火焰虽然依旧燃烧,但再也无法点燃两人之间早已熄灭的桥梁。
ANAIT is a post-punk band from Riga with female vocals. In unusual for this genre, under a fairly canonical musical accompaniment, the band creates its own unique and original sound.
As an emerging band that has only been established for two years, ANAIT has a keen grasp of the emotional pulse of contemporary young people. Since the band was founded, ANAIT's works have always shown deep personal emotional expression, hitting the softest part of the listener's heart. By constantly breaking the boundaries of music, they lead us into a world that struggles in difficult situations but cannot escape. It is this deep resonance that has enabled them to quickly accumulate a large number of loyal listeners in a short period of time.
ANAIT 2025 live in Shenzhen
Time: 2025.02.21 Friday 20:00
Venue: B10 Live http://www.b10live.cn
Add: Building C2, North District, OCT-LOFT, Nanshan District, Shenzhen
Venue Support: OCT-LOFT Culture Development Co., Ltd
Admittance starts at 19:00.
Fare: Advance ¥180 Full-Price ¥220 Couple ¥340
※Presale service available until 00:00 on Feb.21th
※At Door tickets may not be available if advance tickets were sold out. Please purchase the tickets online as early as possible.