红节奏The Red Groove Project 20周年巡演——深圳站
时间:2025.03.09 20:00
场地:B10现场 http://www.b10live.cn
票价:学生 ¥160 预售 ¥190 现场 ¥240 VIP ¥360
※截止时间:2025年3月9日 00:00
中国最具影响力的顶尖吉他演奏家 Lawrence Ku(顾忠山),将再次带领「红节奏The Red Groove Project」——国内当今最受欢迎的顶尖爵士放克全明星乐队,在深圳 B10现场,集结开演!
华裔美籍吉他演奏家/作曲家,Lawrence Ku (顾忠山),是中国最具影响力的顶尖爵士音乐家,教育家之一。作为一位风格多样的吉他手和作曲家,顾忠山多年来受邀参与了许多不同的音乐项目,在国内外各大音乐节,演唱会,等大小演出现场呈献他深厚高超的音乐素养与精湛琴艺。同时,他也是华人爵士乐界最受尊崇的音乐家之一,他所带领的红节奏乐队(The Red Groove Project)是中国最顶尖最具规模的爵士放克乐队。
敬请期待由爵士音乐家顾忠山、胡丹峰、Toby Mak、Alec Haavik、胡清文、杨光、Nicholas McBride、Fred Grenade 为爵士乐迷们带来的精彩演绎!到现场聆听吧~
Lawrence Ku is one of the most influential jazz musicians and educators in China. Born and raised in Los Angeles, California, Lawrence has made China his home for over ten years. He leads several projects including The Lawrence Ku Septet (which recently recorded and released its first CD “Process” in 2007), The Red Groove Project, and two versions of the Lawrence Ku Trio (guitar/bass/drums and guitar/organ/drums). His groups have been featured at the Helsinki Jazz Festival, Beijing Ninegates Jazz Festival, the Shanghai International Jazz Festival, the JZ Music Festival, The Hong Kong International Jazz Festival and the Taichung International Jazz Festival among others.
Lawrence Ku & The Red Groove Project 2025 live in Shenzhen
Time: 2025.03.09 Sunday 20:00
Venue: B10 Live http://www.b10live.cn
Add: Building C2, North District, OCT-LOFT, Nanshan District, Shenzhen
Venue Support: OCT-LOFT Culture Development Co., Ltd
Admittance starts at 19:00.
Fare: Student ¥160 Advance ¥190 Door ¥240 VIP ¥360
※Presale service available until 00:00 on Mar.9th
※At Door tickets may not be available if advance tickets were sold out. Please purchase the tickets online as early as possible.