1. Concert
Presale: 80 RMB; At Door: 100 RMB
Package: 600 RMB (all the concert tickets and one T-shirt included)
* Open area with several seats on both sides for resting purpose.
2. Talk & Feature: FREE
Please send the following information to tmrfest@gmail.com at least ONE DAY before the concert:
1.Name 2.Phone number 3.Date of the concert 4.Quantity of tickets
Ticket reservation will be closed 15 minutes before the show starts, please pick up your ticket at B10 Live in time.
*Presale service available until 15:00 on the day.
1.Online: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=38383377073
2. Entity: Old Heaven Books (120#, Building A5, North District of OCT-LOFT, Shenzhen)
【At Door】
Available Time: 6:30 p.m. every concert day
Add: B10 Live (North Side of Building B10, North District of OCt-LOFT, Shenzhen)
Tel: 0755-86337602 (15:00-18:00, info only)