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演出 Concert · 2017.5.20 Marc Ribot

Marc Ribot

美国 U.S.A.


时间 Time

2017.5.20 20:00 - 21:00

场地 Venue

华侨城创意文化园北区B10现场 B10 Live, North District of OCT-LOFT 

演出者 Artist

Marc Ribot - 吉他 Guitar


生于1954年,美国即兴吉他大师Marc Ribot在他超过30年的职业生涯里,发行了超过20张个人专辑,从Albert Ayler式的先锋爵士,到Arsenio Rodríguez式的古巴颂乐,他探索了各种各样的音乐风格。《纽约时报》称其为“一个看似表达精准,其艺术表达方式却无法定义的艺术家”。

少年时期,Marc Ribot师从海地古典吉他演奏家/作曲家Frantz Casseus;1978年移居纽约后,他曾参与灵魂/朋克乐队Realtones;1984年到1989年间,他担任John Lurie的前卫爵士乐队Lounge Lizards的吉他手。1985年,他参与了Tom Waits的专辑《Rain Dogs》的录制,《滚石》杂志评价:“有了Marc Ribot的帮助,Tom Waits成功讲该专辑升华为一件全新而怪异、值得被载入史册的美国精品。自那以后,他受到各类敢于冒险的音乐家的青睐,成为他们炙手可热的合作对象,其中包括Robert Plant、Alison Krauss、Elvis Costello和John Mellencamp。”

目前,Marc Ribot的数个组合正活跃于世界各地的舞台:自由爵士三重奏Marc Ribot Trio,成员包括传奇爵士低音提琴家Henry Grimes;The Young Philadelphians,风格偏向70年代费城灵乐,成员包括自由爵士贝斯手Jamaaladeen Tacuma;他还组建了前卫摇滚乐队Marc Ribot’s Ceramic Dog。此外,他也长期与格莱美获奖制作人T Bone Burnett、纽约作曲家John Zorn合作。

Marc在电影原创配乐上也有不俗的表现。他参与制作了《无间道风云(The Departed)》和《孩子们都很好(The Kids Are All Right)》的电影配乐;2009年,他受纽约吉他节之邀,带着为卓别林的电影《孤儿流浪记(The Kid)》创作的配乐进行了吉他独奏巡演。同年,他被委任为德国鲁尔三年展(Ruhrtriennale)[1]“Century of Song”系列演出单元的策划人兼音乐总监,创造了让Iggy Pop、Carla Bozulich和Tine Kindermann等首次同台的经典现场。



Born 1954, Marc Ribot, who “The New York Times” describes as “a deceptively articulate artist who uses inarticulateness as an expressive device”, has released over 20 albums under his own name over a 30-year career, exploring everything from the pioneering jazz of Albert Ayler to the Cuban son of Arsenio Rodríguez.

As a teen, he studied with his mentor, Haitian classical guitarist and composer Frantz Casseus. After moving to New York City in 1978, Ribot was a member of the soul/punk Realtones, and from 1984 to 1989, of John Lurie's Lounge Lizards. He played in Tom Waits’s “Rain Dogs” and “Rolling Stone” pointed out that “Guitarist Marc Ribot helped Tom Waits refine a new, weird Americana on 1985's ‘Rain Dogs’, and since then he's become the go-to guitar guy for all kinds of roots-music adventurers: Robert Plant and Alison Krauss, Elvis Costello, John Mellencamp.” He also works regularly with Grammy Award winning producer T Bone Burnett and NY composer John Zorn.

Marc is currently touring with several projects including the free jazz group Marc Ribot Trio, featuring legendary bassist Henry Grimes, and The Young Philadelphians, covering 1970s Philadelphia soul music with free jazz bassist Jamaaladeen Tacuma. He has also formed an avant rock band called Marc Ribot’s Ceramic Dog.

Marc has performed on scores such as “The Departed” and “The Kids Are All Right”. In 2009, Marc toured his live solo guitar score to Charlie Chaplin’s “The Kid”, which was commissioned by the New York Guitar Festival. In the same year, Marc was named curator and musical director for the year’s Century of Song, part of Ruhrtriennale[1] in Germany. The concert series sparked new collaborations with Iggy Pop, Carla Bozulich and Tine Kindermann, etc.


[1] The Ruhrtriennale is a music and arts festival in the northwestern area of Germany which runs between mid-August and mid-October. The festival is organized into three year cycles, each with its own theme and under different artistic directors.