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2018.5.13 明天节预热:节目推介+《刚果电音2:来自城市与丛林的轰鸣》放映 Warm-Up for TOMORROW: Program Recommendation + Screening


Warm-Up for TOMORROW: Program Recommendation + Screening of “Congotronics 2: Buzz'n'Rumble From the Urb'n'Jungle


时间 Time

2018.5.13 20:00 - 21:00

场地 Venue

华侨城创意文化园北区旧天堂书店 Old Heaven Books, North District of OCT-LOFT






On the last Sunday before the 5th Tomorrow Festival, we will be waiting for you at the Old Heaven Books. In this warm-up event, we will give a brief introduction about the features and highlights of this year’s programs, followed by the screening of “Congotronics 2: Buzz'n'Rumble From the Urb'n'Jungle”. 

Festival tickets and merchandise will be available at door. See you “Tomorrow”!




Congotronics 2: Buzz'n'Rumble From the Urb’n'Jungle


影片信息 Movie Information

制片 Producer:Vincent Kenis (比利时 Belgium)

时长 Length:41分 41min  

年份 Year:2005 

语言 Languages:刚果语 Kongo language  

字幕 Subtitles:无 None


Konono N°1的第一张专辑《Congotronics》(“刚果电音”)的面世,让这些诞生于刚果首都金沙萨郊外的、传统非洲音乐与电子音乐混合的奇异产物第一次为世界所瞩目。世界音乐、电子乐和前卫摇滚的乐迷们纷纷为这张超凡脱俗的作品而震惊,国际媒体甚至将他们与诸如Lee Perry、Jimi Hendrix、Miles Davis这样的传奇音乐人和Krautrock音乐进行了大胆的对比。

作为前作的系列延续,《Congotronics 2: Buzz'n'Rumble From the Urb’n’Jungle》(“刚果电音2:来自城市与丛林的轰鸣”)为我们带来了更多奇妙的声音。这张合辑收录了超过6支来自金沙萨的乐队作品,均由Crammed唱片的Vincent Kenis操刀录音和制作。这些乐队都从传统非洲音乐汲取养分,又通过在乐器上安装手工自制的扩音器来将那些声音进行变形……这种做法与Konono N°1如出一辙,但在乐器配置、音色和节奏的选择上,这些乐队则各有不同:标志性的电拇指琴和大喇叭中加入了失真的鼓点、眩晕的吉他,以及使人恍惚入迷的非洲木琴。

《Congotronics 2》附有一盘时长为41分的DVD,收录了Vincent Kenis在金沙萨为这些乐队录音期间的珍贵影像资料,由Elsa Dahmani编辑制作。专辑名中的“Buzz'n'Rumble From the Urb'n'Jungle”,是致敬1974年拳王阿里与福尔曼在金萨沙的旷世对决——Rumble In The Jungle(丛林之战)。James Brown、BB King、 Fania All Stars和Myriam Makeba当时都曾为了这个传奇事件来到金萨沙演出,从而对年轻一代的刚果乐手和乐迷产生了深远的影响。

The Konono N°1 album “Congotronics” started giving worldwide exposure to the strange and spectacular electro-traditional mixtures which are being concocted in the suburbs of Kinshasa, Congo. World music, electronica and avant-rock aficionados were equally amazed by this otherworldly music, which drove the international press to come up with extremely surprising comparisons from Jimi Hendrix to Lee Perry and Krautrock, etc.
Hot on the footsteps of “Congotronics” came the second volume, “Congotronics 2: Buzz'n'Rumble From the Urb'n'Jungle”, a fresh selection of even more amazing sounds, courtesy of no less than 6 electro-traditional bands from Kinshasa, which have all been especially recorded and produced by Crammed’s Vincent Kenis. These bands all draw on traditional music, to which they’ve incorporated heavily-distorted sounds generated by DIY amplification of their instruments... just like Konono N°1, except that the instrumentation, timbres and rhythms used by these bands are relatively diverse: the trademark electrified thumb pianos and megaphones are joined by an array of distorted drums, swirling guitars and hypnotic balafons.

The “Congotronics 2” album includes a 41-minute DVD based on material filmed by Vincent Kenis while he recorded these bands in Kinshasa, and edited by Elsa Dahmani. The subtitle of this album hints to the legendary Ali-Foreman boxing fight which took place in Kinshasa in 1974, and was nicknamed “Rumble In The Jungle”. James Brown, BB King, Fania All Stars and Myriam Makeba performed there around that event, which had a deep impact on a whole generation of young Congolese musicians and fans.