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Asiq Nargile

Asiq Nargile
格鲁吉亚 Georgia

时间 Time
2019.05.17 19:00 - 20:00

场地 Venue
华侨城创意文化园北区B10现场 B10 Live, North District of OCT-LOFT

演出者 Artist
Asiq Nargile - 萨兹琴 Saz / 人声 Vocals


这位Asiq便是Nargile Mehtiyeva,亦即Asiq Nargile。出生于格鲁吉亚的第比利斯(Tbilisi,格鲁吉亚共和国首都)的Asiq Nargile自15岁起就开始弹奏萨兹琴和演唱。精通阿塞拜疆语、格鲁吉亚语和俄语的她,代表了第比利斯丰富的文化遗产——这座古老的城市,曾因聚集了众多精通多门语言的Asiq而闻名,他们在旅居于此时,成为了传播信息、思想、音乐与文化的重要管道。Nargile亦是一位出众的独奏者和歌者,她在演唱史诗般的民间歌谣时,时而狂喜入迷,时而深沉动情,其间伴随着技艺高超、精巧复杂的萨兹琴演奏。无论是催人泪下的哀歌,还是节奏轻快的民间舞曲,Nargile都演绎得游刃有余。

Nargile是目前唯一在格鲁吉亚阿塞拜疆族地区生活和表演的女性Asiq,并一直在向新的一代传授这门艺术。得益于Sayat Nova Project —— 一个旨在保护和推广高加索多样化音乐语言的公益项目,更多观众可以亲身感受到Nargile音乐中难以捉摸却引人入胜的美。

2015年,Nargile与英国知名民谣歌手Richard Dawson进行了联合巡演,并于翌年发表了处女作《Yurt Yeri》,该专辑记录了其2014年在伦敦知名音乐场地Cafe OTO的一场精彩演出;同年夏天,她在英国登上了她登上了闻名全球的世界音乐、艺术与舞蹈节WOMAD,以及更为前卫和实验的Supernormal音乐节的舞台,每一次现身,都惊艳全场。

[1] Saz: 萨兹琴,中东传统弹拨乐器,属于长颈鲁特琴的一种。

The Turkish wordAsiq(pronounced ‘ashik’) can mean two things. Firstly, it refers to an ancient tradition of travelling singing bards in Turkic culture, dating back millennia. These bards, referred to with the title ‘Asiq’, would wander lands from Iran to the Caucasus to Turkey, armed with a mighty wooden saz[1] to assist them as they sang vast epic poems. The second meaning of ‘asiq’ however, is something close to ‘lovelorn’, or ‘desperately in love’. It’s a description of a state of utter commitment and adoration. This is how one Asiq from Georgia, Nargile, describes her relationship to music.

Born in Tbilisi and now based in the Borcali region of Southern Georgia, Nargile Mehtiyeva akaAsiq Nargile has been playing saz (long-neck lute) and singing since the age of 15. Fluent in Azerbaijani, Georgian, and Russian, Nargile represents the cosmopolitan heritage of old Tbilisi, a city once known as a meeting point for multilingual Asiq bards who would travel through the region serving as conduits for news, ideas, music and culture. A powerful solo performer, her vocal recital of epic folk poetry is by turns ecstatic and deeply expressive, and is interspersed with bursts of virtuosic, highly ornamented saz.

Equally comfortable performing moving laments or upbeat folk dances, Nargile is currently the only female Asiq living and performing in the ethnic Azeri region of Georgia, and has been teaching the art to new generations. Thanks to the efforts of The Sayat Nova Project, a non-profit group aiming to help preserve and promote the diverse musical dialects of the Caucasus, European audiences can now experience the elusive, hypnotic beauty of Nargile’s music for themselves.

Nargile wowed crowds at a string of UK appearances in summer 2016, owning stages at both world music mecca WOMAD and experimental field gathering Supernormal. This follows a successful double-header tour with kindredfolk channellerRichard Dawson in 2015, and debut album 'Yurt Yeri', an immaculate capturing of a live concert at London's Cafe OTO.

[1] Saz: a variant of which is known asBağlama, is astringedmusical instrumentand belongs to the family of long-necked lutes.

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