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【售罄】The fin. 2019 新专辑巡演 深圳站


【售罄】The fin. 2019 新专辑巡演 深圳站

时间:2019.9.7 周六 20:30







票价:预售 150 元;现场 180 元




——The fin.将携2019年最新专辑回归



the fin. 日本复古浪潮当红乐队,由主唱Yuto Uchino领衔,创造着美轮美奂、标新立异的梦幻流行之声。他们是年轻的代名词,是浪漫的传递者,更是独立音乐的风向标。深沉的复古情怀,精巧的电子点缀,迷醉般的慵懒,不可一世的洒脱,听the fin.的歌,你会抓住所有年轻时的美好。

Brit-pop 、chillwave、加上些许电气,在indie-rock的基础上创造自成一派的风格,主唱勾魂摄魄的缥缈嗓音,令人神往的迷离氛围,让the fin.迅速脱颖而出,深受青年乐迷们的热力追捧。the fin.两次中国巡演场场售罄,一票难求,他们已成为近年里亚洲独立音乐场景中颇具影响力的乐队之一。

2014年,the fin.凭借专辑 《Days With Uncertainty》冲出日本风靡亚洲,其中“Night Time”、“Illumination”等单曲是众多少男少女歌单中的心水金曲,相比于早期作品的摇滚味道,增进复古Synth的时髦感,将这支乐队的直观印象刻入听者脑海。去年新专辑《There》的发行引发又一波热潮,这张作品呈现the fin.在自我风格塑造上的成熟状态,音乐更具辨识度,同时又不缺乏创新色彩和深层探索,无论是旋律深入人心的主打曲“Pale Blue”,还是颇受欧美欢迎的“Shedding”,或俏皮玩味的“Missing”,首首流光溢彩却又如清风拂面,不费吹灰之力就能俘获人心。


时隔一年半,the fin. 《There》巡演现场的火热程度仍让人记忆犹新——,八个精彩绝伦的夜晚,数千乐迷在声光交织的现场随着the fin. 的音乐款款律动,享受着最年轻肆意的时刻——如果这等浪漫只限今晚,那就且让我们沉醉于这场幻妙的梦境,将明日抛诸脑后,享受当下吧~

今年4月,继发布几首不插电版本歌曲后,the fin.终于带来一首新歌《Come Futher》,这是乐队变更为二人编制后首支单曲;新专辑的录制工作也即将完成,乐队早已迫不及待与大家分享新作!

接下来,8月末-9月初,the fin.将带着全新专辑重返中国,开启长达两周、跨越11城的巡演,相信许多人已经盼望了太久,那么,现场见吧!

The fin. China Tour 2019

Time: 2019.9.7 Saturday 20:30

Venue: B10 Live

Add: Building C2, North District, OCT-LOFT, Nanshan District, Shenzhen

Tel: 0755 86337602 (15:00-18:00, info only)

Venue Support: OCT-LOFT Culture Development Co., Ltd

Admittance starts at 20:00.

Open area with several seats on both sides for resting purpose.



Fare: Advance 150 RMB; Walk-in 180 RMB

All tickets sold out!

New Noise is very proud to present 11 shows for one of the hottest bands to emerge from Japan: The fin.! After selling out ALL their previous headlining shows in China last year, the band will return to 11 cities in China to present their brand new album. The fin. sounds like a cross between M83 and Phoenix, citing chill wave acts Toro y Moi and Washed Out as influences. These youngsters have been creating a growing fanbase, selling out their shows all over Asia and playing massive festivals all over the world such as Fuji Rock, Summer Sonic, Rising Sun….


The band’s growing renown on western shores has led to a surge of media interest and prime headline slots on The Great Escape Festival and SXSW and making big waves in their homeland due to their stylish Europhile blend of synth-pop, chill wave and dream pop.

The fin. will embark on  a major world wide tour kicking off in China in support of their deliciously refined album new album to demonstrate the depth,versatility and scope of this terrific band. Don’t sleep on your ticket, because these shows will sell out more quickly than you think!