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德系暗潮乐队Lebanon Hanover巡演 深圳站


德系暗潮乐队Lebanon Hanover巡演 深圳站

时间:2019.9.8 周日 20:30







票价:学生 130 元;预售 150 元;现场 180 元


※截止时间:9月8日 00:00









Lebanon Hanover是一支由Larissa Iceglass和William Maybeline组建的柏林冷潮后朋克乐队。乐队暗潮风格源自80年代后朋克音乐,幽深沉郁的音乐让人想起那个年代黑白哥特电影,同时,他们在制作上刻意保持极致简洁,具有同时引人思考与沉迷的力量,仿佛漂浮在这个已然异化的世界的冰冷回音。

Larissa不止一次把乐队形容为“无家可归的、迷失的”,正如乐队名字“黎巴嫩汉诺威”一样,本身带着一种无根的错乱感。Lebanon Hanover先后发行了五张专辑《The World Is Getting Colder》,《Why Not Just Be Solo》,《Tomb for Two》,《Besides The Abyss》和2018年的新专《Let Them Be Alien》,在这张专辑中,没有层层互相交织包裹的音轨或无穷变幻的音节,词中的诗意和音乐的质感因而在Lebanon Hanover独特的审美之下展露无遗。与一般以贝斯驱动的后朋乐队不同,Lebanon Hanover的这张专辑以合成器、电子响弦以及人声作为主导,这种表达方式聪明、到位地创造出不少拥有记忆点、令人印象深刻的段落。

这张专辑就像一段旅程,一件不需自我解释就能带人身临异境的艺术品。听众仿佛能从从Lebanon Hanover的意象描绘出的声响、气味、风景领略到一种属于德国的气质。



“An ice cold reply to the alienated world coming from two warm beating hearts”——The duo of Larissa Iceglass and William Maybelline from the Berlin cold-wave/post-punk band Lebanon Hanover appear as true romantics of the modern age, admiring William Wordsworth, fascinated by the beauty of art nouveau aesthetics, exploring British seashores and forests at night as well as inspired by the urbanism of Berlin.

Lebanon Hanover is known for its minimalist efficiency of the music. There’s not a note or phrase wasted. It’s been almost six years since the release of the band’s critically-acclaimed debut album “The World Is Getting Colder”. Since then the half Brit-half German duo have established themselves as one of the most powerful and successful genre-defining acts throughout Europe, scoring 5 heart-throbbing albums and numerous performances all around the world, making them one of the most successful bands of the cold wave / minimal wave scene.

Dark Wave Duo Lebanon Hanover China Tour in Shenzhen

Time: 2019.9.8 Sunday 20:30

Venue: B10 Live

Add: Building C2, North District, OCT-LOFT, Nanshan District, Shenzhen

Tel: 0755 86337602 (15:00-18:00, info only)

Venue Support: OCT-LOFT Culture Development Co., Ltd

Admittance starts at 20:00.

Open area with several seats on both sides for resting purpose.


Fare: Student 130 RMB; Advance 150 RMB; Walk-in 180 RMB


※Presale service available until 00:00 on Sep. 8

※At Door tickets may not be available if advance tickets were sold out. Please purchase the tickets as early as possible.

①Entity:Old Heaven Books (120#, A5, North District of OCT-LOFT)

②Taobao:Search Store "B10 Live"



Please send the following information to at least ONE DAY before the concert:

1.Name 2.Phone number 3.Date of the concert 4.Quantity of tickets


Starts at 19:30 on the day at B10 Live.


Larissa Iceglass  - vocal/guiter/synth

William Maybelline - vocal/bass/synth

Lebanon Hanover are one of the most promising bands on the minimal wave scene. They have developed a cult following thanks to their gloomy cold-wave music. The band is composed of a couple: Larissa Iceglass, originally from Switzerland, on vocals, guitars and synths and William Maybelline, from England, on vocals, bass and synths. They take their dark girl/boy vocals, razor sharp guitars and brooding bass-lines to create some sort of synthetic apocalyptic pop, reminiscent of Siouxsie, Cure, Bauhaus or Xmal Deutschland. Larissa and William are not like other musicians: they don't like the star system and they give priority to their integrity and authenticity.