英国后摇名团Maybeshewill全新专辑<Fair Youth>中国巡演深圳站
时间:2014.9.24 周三 20:30
场地:B10现场 http://www.b10live.cn
New Noise呈现
票价:预售 60 元;现场 80 元
※截止时间:9月23日 24点整下架
New Noise 有幸请到欧洲最著名后摇乐队之一 Maybeshewill 前来中国进行他们第二次的中国之行——七城巡演。乐队将在 2014 年9月二度来华以宣传其最新专辑《Fair Youth》。Maybeshewill 的第四张录音室专辑饱含正能量,乐队在其中利用音乐布道“如何解决现实生活中的荆棘与坎坷”的方法。乐队每年耗时数月在巡演的路上,期间经历了各种悲欢离合,动态已成常态。新专辑“追忆过往、幻想未来、醒梦当下”的主题便开光于巡演道路之上。
自从 Maybeshewill 成队后,巡演便成为其不可或缺的生命之源。他们曾经和无数乐坛巨头同台演出,比如 God is an Astronaut, Dilliger Escape Plan 和 Mogwai 等乐队。New Noise为再次请到这支“才气逼耳”的乐队来华演出表示倍感荣幸。此前 Maybeshewill 已叩响了无数华人的心扉,此次他们将用精选自四张专辑的歌曲把他们的魔力重新带回中国。乐迷们,你们万万不可错过这次巡演!
9月17日 成都 小酒馆
9月18日 重庆 坚果俱乐部
9月19日 北京 愚公移山
9月20日 上海 MAO Live House
9月21日 武汉 VOX Live House
9月23日 广州 TU凸空间
9月24日 深圳 B10现场
视频: http://www.letv.com/ptv/vplay/20346931.html
更多信息请见 New Noise 官网:www.newnoise.cn
New Noise Proudly Presents: Maybeshewill “Fair Youth” China tour 2014 Shenzhen Station
Time: 2014.9.24 Wednesday 20:30
Venue: B10 Live http://www.b10live.cn
Add: North Side of Building B10, North District, OCT-LOFT, Nanshan District, Shenzhen
Tel: 0755 86337602 (15:00-18:00, info only)
Organizer: OCT-LOFT Culture Development Co., Ltd
New Noise Presents
Admittance starts at 20:00.
Open area with several seats on both sides for resting purpose.
Fare: Presale 60 RMB; At Door 80 RMB
※Presale service available until 24:00 on 9.23.
①Entity: Old Heaven Books (120#, A5, North District of OCT-LOFT)
②Online: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=40255563158
Please send the following information to midori.b10@gmail.com at least ONE DAY before the concert:
1.Name 2.Phone number 3.Date of the concert 4.Quantity of tickets
Ticket reservation will be closed 15 minutes before the show starts, please pick up your ticket at B10 Live in time.
3/At Door: B10 Live
※Starts at 19:30 on the day.
New Noise proudly presents a 7 city China tour for Maybeshewill, one of Europe’s biggest post rock bands. Maybeshewill will tour China for the second time in September 2014, to promote their newest album “Fair Youth”. Their forth studio album is an overwhelmingly positive record, with the band creating a musical solution to dealing with real world problems and difficulties. Its themes are nostalgia, dreaming, oneirism and the connection, disconnection and constant feeling of motion that comes with spending so many months of the year on tour.
Touring has been fundamental to Maybeshewill’s existence so far. They’ve shared stages with big bands as God is an Astronaut, Dillinger Escape plan, Mogwai,… New Noise is happy to bring this noisy brilliance once back to China. Having won the hearts of many Chinese people, Maybeshewill will be bring back their grandeur to China playing songs of their four records. Fans of God is An Astronaut and Mogwai, don’t miss out on this one!
Tour dates:
Sept 17 Chengdu Little Bar
Sept 18 Chongqing Nuts
Sept 19 Beijing Yugong Yishan
Sept 20 Shanghai Mao Live House
Sept 21 Wuhan VOX
Sept 23 Guangzhou T-Union
Sept 24 Shenzhen B10 Live
More Information
Douban site:http://site.douban.com/maybeshewill/
Album: http://www.douban.com/search?cat=1003&q=maybeshewill
Video: http://www.letv.com/ptv/vplay/20346931.html
New Noise Website:www.newnoise.cn