冰岛乐队Bang Gang 2014“Forever Now”中国巡演深圳站
时间:2014.09.28 周日 20:30
场地:B10现场 http://www.b10live.cn
Bardi Johannsson – 吉他/主唱
Bjarni Thor Jensson – 吉他/贝斯/和声
Jofridur Akadottir – 和声/键盘
Johann Runar Thorgeirsson – 音响师
艺术家Bardi Johannsson
Bang Gang的艺术气质源于乐队灵魂与主创Bardi Johannsson,这个苍白高挑的冰岛男人拥有自己的乐队模式——个人乐队!
他才华横溢,艺术潜力涉及诸多领域,Bang Gang之外身兼作家、服装设计师、超现实主义电视节目主持人、还为多部电影制作配乐。他写以他为主题的电影《Who Is Barði》的剧本。他导演与制作的短片《红色之死Red Death》在巴黎最前卫的艺术馆庞毕度中心上映。他曾为冰岛国家剧院上演的改编自法国作家Marie《海之博物馆Museum of the Sea》的剧作担任配乐。2010年由他担任配乐的电影《雷克雅未克-鹿特丹Reykjavik-Rotterdam》在冰岛电影最高奖艾达奖获得了最佳原创电影音乐奖,并获得了北欧电影音乐奖提名。Bardi以自己的名字出版瑞典/丹麦无声恐怖片同名电影配乐OST《Häxan》,并担任作曲与制作,曲目由保加利亚交响乐团演奏。他还喜欢大卫林奇David Lynch的作品,对于黑暗鬼魅风格艺术的喜爱,正映出他丰富的内心世界。特立独行,另类低调,迷人的外表,这就是偶像艺术家Bardi Johannsson。他的现场绝对值得期待。
主页 http://www.bardijohannsson.com/
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/BardiJohannsson
冰岛乐队Bang Gang
北极以南——冰岛,在冰川、热泉、冰原、雪峰、火山中诞生出了:Björk、Sigur Rós、Múm、Gus Gus、Bang Gang等好音乐。而Bang Gang更是如极光般闪烁出极寒极美之光芒。
Bang Gang由唱作人兼制作人Bardi Johannsson于1996年在冰岛首都雷克雅未克组建。至今发表三张专辑:You(1996),Something Wrong(2003),Ghosts From The Past(2008)。Bang Gang成立之初偏向于摇滚乐的分支:冲浪音乐,但很快Bardi就将乐队朝更偏重旋律的方向驶去,一些旋律片段堪比独立音乐旋律巅峰Lotus Eaters 和Cocteau Twins!
除了悦耳旋律,Bang Gang的词曲唱作、电子trip-hop元素共同铸就了其寒冷性感的气质。Bardi自己是乐队唯一的固定成员,身兼词曲唱作与器乐演奏。他细微忧郁的嗓音,配合疏离幽暗的节拍,营造出冰冷遥远的意境。他还与许多歌唱家与音乐人合作,妖娆女声更是乐队惊艳的杀手锏。北极以南的冰岛气质,加上游走于其间如塞壬女妖般的歌声,二者碰撞出的冷艳美,如极地空气中变幻炫目、无常莫测的极光,夜与昼为之颠倒。
音乐的高贵冷艳以及冰浪美感使Bardi的音乐受到了Armani 阿玛尼、Yves Rocher 伊夫•黎雪、Citroën雪铁龙等品牌的青睐,被选为广告曲。除此以外乐队还受邀参加戛纳电影节,并在瑞士蒙特勒爵士音乐节、普罗旺斯艾克斯音乐节等一流音乐节演出,还于艺术圣地法国巴黎普莱耶音乐厅、洛杉矶盖蒂艺术中心留下音乐足迹。抛开外界的认同,Bang Gang还有着浓厚的艺术气质。
冰岛乐队Bang Gang是Bardi Johannsson构筑的个人世界。绝美、冰冷、性感,自我是他永恒的源泉。“人们总是问我,为什么冰岛的音乐如此特殊?原因就是,所有的乐队都很好,他们都知道自己的音乐不会传递给收音机前的听众,他们都知道,在冰岛,他们的唱片卖不到200张。他们只按照自己的喜好做音乐”—Bardi Johannsson
2014年九月,Bardi将携全新编制开始中国之旅,此次的巡演主题(Forever Now)此刻永恒,愈发浪漫、深沉,Bang Gang以音乐为中间点,与你体验他的世界与灵魂。
Icelandic Band Bang Gang 2014 Forever Now China Tour Shenzhen Station
Time: 2014.09.28 Sunday 20:30
Venue: B10 Live http://www.b10live.cn
Add: North Side of Building B10, North District, OCT-LOFT, Nanshan District, Shenzhen
Tel: 0755 86337602 (15:00-18:00, info only)
Organizer: OCT-LOFT Culture Development Co., Ltd
Admittance starts at 20:00.
Open area with several seats on both sides for resting purpose.
Fare: Presale/Student 120 RMB; At Door 150 RMB
※Presale service available until 17:00 on the day.
①Entity: Old Heaven Books (120#, A5, North District of OCT-LOFT)
②Online: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=41165938877
Please send the following information to midori.b10@gmail.com at least ONE DAY before the concert:
1.Name 2.Phone number 3.Date of the concert 4.Quantity of tickets
Ticket reservation will be closed 15 minutes before the show starts, please pick up your ticket at B10 Live in time.
3/At Door: B10 Live
※Starts at 19:30 on the day.
Bang Gang Artists:
Bardi Johannsson - Guitar / Vocals
Bjarni Thor Jensson - Guitar / bass / vocals
Jofridur Akadottir - Vocals / Keyboards
Johann Runar Thorgeirsson – Sound
Bardi Johannsson, a tall Icelandic man, has been playing under the name Bang Gang since 1996. First came the very atmospheric You (2000), with surprisingly soft, vaporous outlines for someone with such a violent stage name. 2003 confirmed Bardi’s talent as a composer, performer and producer. Two simultaneous albums made him a major figure of musical melancholy: Something Wrong, Bang Gang’s second album, where the softness of the acoustic songs meets adventurous electronic explorations; and Lady & Bird, a side-project for an androgynous duo with the talented artist Keren Ann. Hot on the success of these two creations, but never over-confident, Bardi toured Europe, Japan and the USA before vanishing back to his anonymous activities, away from the limelight. He is a complete artist and devotes himself to an assortment of subjects and styles, always keeping the same aesthetic awareness: he admits to an inclination to both the roughest hard-rock and Ennio Morricone or Serge Gainsbourg, and says that limiting his artistic expression only to music would make him feel frustration and suffering. In the past five years, he has been anything but idle: he co-directed a short film (Red Death, screened at the Pompidou Centre in 2004), produced and wrote lyrics for several Icelandic artists, and composed a soundtracks (Haxan, 2005).
Nevertheless, and for our greatest pleasure, Bardi has returned to his first love: songwriting. For, once again, that is what this third album is: a collection of songs. Extremely well-written songs, full of melodic outbursts, the likes of which are rarely seen these days; with careful arrangements and coherence, but still diverse. From the pop manifest to the almost metallic influences of a hit, I Know You Sleep is an irresistible pop-rock track; the emotional crescendo and the almost mystical rise of the opera singer on Ghost from the Past will bring tears to your eyes; and Don’t Feel Ashamed is an ethereal delicacy, a sublime composition worthy of the best of The LotusEaters or The Cocteau Twins. Bardi proves here, if needed, the extent of his talent.
Bardi Johannsson loves mysteries and eclecticism; he is always ready to take the least expected detours. Like the spectres evoked in this third album, Ghosts from the Past, he sometimes disappears and reappears, but his music never cesses to haunt us.
More Information
Bardi Johannsson
Website: http://www.bardijohannsson.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BardiJohannsson
Bang Gang
Website: http://www.banggang.net/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/banggangband
Myspace: https://myspace.com/banggangband
Douban Site: http://site.douban.com/banggang/