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FIF · 10.18 第2场 铃木勲 OMA SOUND Isao Suzuki OMA SOUND @OCT-LOFT国际爵士音乐节

The 9th OCT-LOFT Jazz Festival
2019.10.11 - 2019.10.20

主办方 Organizer
深圳华侨城创意文化园 OCT-LOFT

当晚票价 Fare for the night:
预售 Advance¥180 ;现场 Walk-in ¥220
第一场 First Set:20:00 - 21:00 Akosh S.三重奏 Akosh S. Trio
第二场 Second Set:21:20 - 22:20 铃木勲 OMA SOUND Isao Suzuki OMA SOUND


时间 Time
2019.10.18 21:20 - 22:20
场地 Venue
华侨城创意文化园北区B10现场 B10 Live, North District of OCT-LOFT

演出者 Artists
铃木勲 Isao Suzuki - 低音提琴 Double Bass
纐缬雅代 Masayo Koketsu - 中音萨克斯 Alto Sax
小山道之 Michiyuki Koyama - 吉他 Guitar
石田卫 Mamoru Ishida - 钢琴 Piano / 键盘 Keyboards
北井誉人 Kunito Kitai - 鼓 Drums

铃木勲,日本爵士低音提琴巨匠,同时也是多乐器演奏家、作曲家、编曲家、制作人及乐队领队。受到Art Blakey的鼓舞,他于1970年去到纽约并加入到Blakey的传奇乐队Jazz Messengers之中。在那期间,铃木勲与无数爵士大师一同合作和录制作品,包括Thelonious Monk、Charles Mingus、Ella Fitzgerald、Wynton Kelly、Bobby Timmons、Jim Hall和Ron Carter等等。至今已86岁的铃木勲,在65年的音乐生涯里发表了超过50张专辑,其中数张获得著名的“日本爵士奖”。所有这些,足以证明他在日本爵士世界里独一无二的主导地位。他曾被网络电台“瑞士爵士国际广播电台”评选为“世界上最好的二十位爵士音乐家”之一,大家都称他为“爵士教父”。

Isao Suzuki is the grand master of jazz in Japan. He is a bassist, multi instrumentalist, composer, arranger, producer and bandleader. In 1970 he went to New York at the encouragement of Art Blakey and joined his lengendary group JAZZ MESSENGERS. During this time, he worked and recorded with Thelonious Monk, Charles Mingus, Ella Fitzgerald, Wynton Kelly, Bobby Timmons, Jim Hall, Ron Carter and others. With more than 50 albums released, including several winners of the prestigious Japan Jazz Prize award, Suzuki's reputation as a unique leader of jazz in Japan has been secured. He has been chosen “20 best jazz musicians in the world” by the Internet radio called "Radio Jazz International of Switzerland" and has gotten of "JAZZ GOD FATHER”.