Café OTO位于东伦敦的达斯顿区,是一个可容纳150人左右的音乐场地,于2008年开始运营。其目的是为了给具有创造性的非主流新音乐以栖身之所。白天,它是一个咖啡厅,夜晚,它是一个音乐表演场地,几乎每一晚都有节目在这里上演。它有着低矮的天花板,嘎吱作响的老家具,没有音乐家休息室,甚至没有舞台。但是,它却是世界上最出名的实验音乐场地之一和实验音乐家们最喜欢的场地之一,吸引了如Thurston Moore、Sun Ra Arkestra、Anthony Braxton和小野洋子等闻名的音乐家来此演出。
“Café OTO has become a crown jewel,” says former Sonic Youth singer and guitarist Thurston Moore. “It’s by far the most critical listening room in London.” Café OTO, opened in April 2008 with the aim of providing a home for creative new music that exists outside of the mainstream, is a 150-capacity venue in Dalston, east London. It comprises one large cafe/performance space open during the day serving food and drink with an evening program of live music almost seven nights a week. It has low ceilings, creaky old furniture, no green room for the musicians to hide in and no stage. Yet it has become one of the best known and loved spaces for experimental music in the world, attracting regular performers such as Moore and the Sun Ra Arkestra, as well as the occasional superstar such as Anthony Braxton and Yoko Ono.