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Gudrun Gut

Gudrun Gut
德国 Germany

时间 Time
2019.05.18 19:00 - 20:00

场地 Venue
华侨城创意文化园北区B10现场 B10 Live, North District of OCT-LOFT

演出者 Artist
Gudrun Gut - 电子设备 Electronics / 人声 Vocals

“一个‘Geniale Dilettante’(天赋异禀的‘业余’玩家)[1],一个朋克、无浪潮儿,一位电子流行音乐的开荒者,一位引领了柏林新音乐场景逾30载的女性。”
——The Wire杂志(Philip Sherburne, 2008年)

从80年代早期作为Mania D.、Einstürzende Neubauten(倒塌的新建筑)和Malaria!的一员,置身于柏林“Ingenious Dilettantes”亚文化浪潮之中,再到组建锋芒乍现的工业流行女子三人组Matador,一直到拥有了长长的个人作品清单,包括后来的一系列电影、录像和广播剧配乐……Gudrun Gut的故事跨越了许多年月、场景与声音。

Gudrun Gut钟情于充满温暖声响和暗黑音色的极简科技舞曲,她的音乐散发着美丽的忧郁气息,有如强烈的香水,邀人体味她温热的脉搏。作为一位在俱乐部和音乐节上频频亮相的百变DJ,Gudrun Gut终于在2007年4月发行了她的首张个人专辑《I Put a Record on》。从那时起,她就开始用笔记本电脑和麦克风进行现场演出,配以她自己制作的影像。她最新的个人精选集《Moment》收录了14首杰作,可以说是由她一生的信念和痴迷凝练而成,其中包括一首翻唱David Bowie 1979年《Boys Keep Swinging》的作品。

而“音乐人”的身份,还远远不足以概括她的才华:她是厂牌创始人,创建了极具影响力的Moabit Musik和Monika Enterprise;她是俱乐部之夜的主办方,创立了前卫电子流行音乐组织Oceanclub;她还创立和参与一系列实验性的女性主义合作计划(Monika Werkstatt);作为音乐制作人,她也涉足唱片业的技术领域。

或许在大多数人眼里,年龄对于女性来说是一个难以逃避的桎梏。但这位生于1957年的“酷女人”,却丝毫没有要停下脚步的意思。她最近的活动包括:与Antye Greie(即AGF)和faUSt创始成员Hans-Joachim Irmler合作;加入Musicboard Berlin(柏林邦政府流行音乐主管部门)咨询委员会;与德国双人电子组合Âme一同参加Innervisions厂牌之夜,献演于英国皇家阿尔伯特音乐厅(The Royal Albert Hall)。

[1] “Geniale Dilettanten”一词(意为“天赋异禀的业余玩家”)源自于1981年在柏林举行的一场名为“Die große Untergangsshow (伟大的垮台秀) – Festival Genialer Dilletanten”的音乐节,参与者包括Einstürzende Neubauten、Die Tödliche Doris和Malaria!等许多对后世产生了深远影响的乐队。表演者风格各异,但将他们联合在一起的是他们对声音和表现形式的广泛实验与激进态度,以及他们对日益侵蚀流行音乐产业活力的所谓“专业主义”的蔑视和对抗。“Geniale Dilettanten”后来常被用于指代与该音乐节相关的音乐家和乐队。该音乐节名中的“Dilletanten”是“Dilettanten”一词的有意误拼,亦反映了他们“把错误的演奏、错误的书写视为一种积极的价值,以探求全新的、未知的表达方式”的理念。

“This is a ‘geniale dilettante’[1]; a punk and a No Waver and an early adopter of computer pop; a female has genially hosted Berlin’s new music scene for 30 years.”
- UK magazine The Wire (by Philip Sherburne, 2008) 

Gudrun Gut’s story spans many years, scenes, and sounds, from the “ingenious dilettantes” subculture of early 1980’s Berlin as part of Mania D., Einstürzende Neubauten, and Malaria! to her twilit industrial pop trio Matador into an expansive solo catalog of later work scoring films, videos, and radio plays. Her talents extend beyond musician, however, to include founding record labels (the influential imprints Moabit Musik and Monika Enterprise), club nights (progressive electronic pop collective Oceanclub), and experimental feminist collaborations (Monika Werkstatt). 

Gudrun Gut's preferred style is a kind of minimal techno with a warm sound and a dark timbre, and it radiates with beautiful melancholy like a strong perfume - an invitation to let oneself fall backwards into her warm pulse. Apart from her eclectic DJ appearances in Clubs and at Festivals, Gudrun Gut finally released her debut solo album I Put A Record On in April 2007. Since then she is doing live performances with her laptop and microphone accompanied by her video clips. Her latest solo collection distills a lifetime of persuasions and obsessions into a compelling 14 tracks statement: Moment, including a cover of David Bowie's 1979 track "Boys Keep Swinging".

Gudrun Gut also works extensively in the technical sector of the recording industry, as a producer. Recent projects have included collaborations with Antye Greie (AGF) and Hans-Joachim Irmler of faUSt, participating on the advisory committee for Musicboard Berlin, and performing at The Royal Albert Hall with Âme as part of an Innervisions label night.

[1] The term ‘Geniale Dilettanten’ (translated here as ‘ingenious amateurs’) stems from a music event called “Die große Untergangsshow (The great Downfallshow) – Festival Genialer Dilletanten” that took place on 1981 in Berlin, and where, amongst many others, such influential and notorious bands as Einstürzende Neubauten, Die Tödliche Doris, or Malaria! performed and were first exposed to a larger audience. Playing within various styles, what combined them all was their radical edge, their vast experimentation with noise and form, and their contempt for resistance against the growing professionalism that was overtaking popular music-production, shackled by conceptions of “progress” manifested in the ever-growing refinement of production techniques and structures that attempt to set themselves up as the ‘norm’. The term “Geniale Diletanten” was later on appropriated to refer to the bands/artists associated with this festival.

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