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吉田达也 × 中尾宪太郎 Tatsuya Yoshida × Kentaro Nakao

  • B10现场 B10 Live Building C2, North District of OCT-LOFT Shenzhen Shi, Guangdong Sheng, 518000 China (map)

吉田达也 Tatsuya Yoshida - 鼓 Drum

中尾宪太郎 Kentaro Nakao - 贝斯 Bass 

吉田达也 Tatsuya Yoshida

在日本前卫音乐界,吉田达也是最具创造力的鼓手、作曲家和即兴乐手之一。他最为人熟知的身份包括:鼓+贝斯二重奏Ruins(2004年后继续以单人企划Ruins Alone的名义活动)创始成员,zeuhl风格乐队高円寺百景创始人和领袖,以及许多其他乐队和组合的成员,如赤天、是巨人,以及无伴奏合唱三重奏Zubi Zuva/Zubi Zuva X等。他也是爵士核(jazzcore)风格的传奇乐队Painkiller的特邀成员。与吉田有过合作的其他知名乐手包括John Zorn、Fred Frith、Derek Bailey、灰野敬二和大友良英等。

Yoshida Tatsuya is one of the most innovative drummers, composers and improvisers on the Japanese avant-garde scene. He is best known as a founding member of the energetic drums+bass duo Ruins (continued as a solo project Ruins Alone since 2004), the founder and leader of the influential zeuhl band Koenji Hyakkei, and members of many other bands and collaborations, such as Akaten, Korekyojinn, and a capella trio Zubi Zuva/Zubi Zuva X. He is also an occasional member of the legendary jazzcore band PainKiller. Other notable collaborators of the artist include John Zorn, Fred Frith, Derek Bailey, Keiji Haino, Otomo Yoshihide.

中尾宪太郎 Kentaro Nakao

1999年至2002年间,中尾宪太郎作为日本另类摇滚乐队NUMBER GIRL的贝斯手在乐坛崭露头角。此后,他组建了自己的乐队Crypt City,并作为乐手加入了多个乐队,如ACO、浅井健一 & THE INTERCHANGE KILLS、ART-SCHOOL、Seagull Screaming Kiss Her Kiss Her和younGSounds等。他同时也是美国效果器制造商EarthQuaker Devices的品牌大使。


From 1999 to 2002, Kentaro Nakao worked as a bassist for NUMBER GIRL, after which he formed his own band Crypt City, and joined ACO, Kenichi Asai & THE INTERCHANGE KILLS, ART-SCHOOL, Seagull Screaming Kiss Her Kiss Her, and younGSounds. He is also the ambassador for the American pedal maker EarthQuaker Devices.

Since 2020, he has been doing solo performances using modular synths. In recent years, he actively involves in the improvisational scene, and has worked with Tatsuya Yoshida, Dairo Suga, and Tatsuya Nakamura among others.

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