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实验音乐厂牌Sub Rosa:唱片是时间的容器 Sub Rosa: What you record is Time

  • A3+ 1 文昌南街 深圳市, 广东省, 518074 中国 (map)

讲者 Speaker: Guy-Marc Hinant(Sub Rosa创始人)
语言 Language:
英语 English
现场翻译 Translator:玛布 Mabu

Sub Rosa是一家比利时实验音乐厂牌,其数十年间发行的超过500多件出品涉猎多种风格,在音乐界激发了前所未有的能量。厂牌的名字原为拉丁语,字面意思是 “玫瑰之下”。长久以来,玫瑰这一意象在西方文化中常被作为神秘事物的象征。

厂牌旗下的重要出版包括:《噪音与电子音乐选集》系列共7辑(2002-2013)、《比利时先锋音乐选集 1917-1978》系列共3辑(2005-2008),美国“垮掉的一代”作家William Burroughs、美国作曲家/作家/翻译家Paul Bowles、美国诗人/摄影师/电影制作人Ira Cohen等人未曾发表过的作品,以及许多民族志录音和实验音乐。

With more than 500 productions that cross the decades and styles, Sub Rosa stirs up unprecedented energies. Highlights are publication of An Anthology of Noise and Electronic Music series (2002–2013), L'anthologie Sonore de L'avant-garde en Belgique 1917-1978 series (2005-2008), unpublished documents by William Burroughs, Paul Bowles, Ira Cohen, and many ethnographic recordings and experimental music.

Guy-Marc Hinant

Guy-Marc Hinant,电影制作人、诗人、作家,Sub Rosa创始人之一,1960年生于比利时沙勒罗瓦。他策划了Sub Rosa的许多出品项目,包括经典的《噪音与电子音乐选集》系列。

作为一名作家,他参与创作了比利时视觉艺术家、图像小说家Dominique Goblet的作品《狼人》,也于众多国际期刊上发表了关于音乐和美学的文章;2002年,他发表了个人诗集《花瓶》;2023年,他创建了个人博客,和读者分享他的文字创作、访谈和部分电影短片。

作为一名影人,他与比利时导演Dominique Lohlé在2000年创立了OME(Observatoire des Musiques Électroniques,电子音乐观测所),10年间参与编写、导演、制作了15部纪录片,拍摄了众多国际实验音乐先锋人物。他也执导和制作了一系列实验短片。

Born in Charleroi, Belgium, 1960, Guy-Marc Hinant is a filmmaker, poet, author and co-founder of the production company Sub Rosa. He curated, among other Sub Rosa projects, the Anthology of Noise and Electronic Music series.

As an author, he wrote with Dominique Goblet Les Hommes-Loups (Fremok, 2010) , and numerous articles on music and aesthetics on international publications such as Leonardo Music Journal (L.A.), Luna-Park (Paris), Pylône (Brussels), and Magazine Littéraire (Paris). In 2022, he published a collection of poems, Vases (Angles Morts, France). In 2023, he established a blog in which you can read many of his published and unpublished texts, interviews, and some of his short films.

He founded the production company OME with Dominique Lohlé in 2000, writing, directing and producing documentary films—15 in 10 years, with portraits of Henri Pousseur, Luc Ferrari, David Toop, Célestin Deliège, Charlemagne Palestine… With Dominique Lohlé, again, he made a documentary, Rage, which explores the secret links between the early-day underground techno and the anarchist theories of today. He also worked on many experimental films, such as Outside the Republic, Outside the Kingdom and Ostranenia.

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