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Xylouris White

  • B10现场 B10 Live Building C2, North District of OCT-LOFT Shenzhen Shi, Guangdong Sheng, 518000 China (map)

George Xylouris - 拉乌托琴 Laouto / 里拉琴 Lyra / 人声 Vocals

Jim White - 鼓 Drum

“克里特岛鲁特琴手George Xylouris与前Dirty Three鼓手Jim White之间的化学反应妙不可言,碰撞出令人惊叹的先锋民谣。”


Xylouris White由George Xylouris和Jim White创建于2013年,取名自二人姓氏。George Xylouris出生于希腊克里特岛的音乐世家,弹唱深沉老辣;而Jim White则是澳洲鼓界奇才,以传奇实验摇滚乐队Dirty Three的鼓手身份广为乐迷熟知。

Xylouris White虽然只有两人,音乐却惊人地丰富,糅合了自由爵士、前卫摇滚、后朋克与古老的希腊音乐传统,为我们展现出别具一格的、穿梭于传统与现代之间的民谣音乐。

Xylouris White成立至今已发行五张专辑:在2014年的首张专辑Goats中,他们化身为两只山羊在崎岖不平的山地上恣意游荡;两年后发行的第二张专辑Black Peak以克里特岛的一座山峰命名,展现出他们的壮阔视野和勃勃雄心;探索的本能驱使二人创作出第三张专辑Mother,寓意“新生”;2019年的第四张专辑The Sisypheans则揭示了他们如西西弗斯一般,对那克里特音乐古老传统的外延不懈求索;今年4月刚发布的最新专辑The Forest in Me,是他们通过远程合作碰撞出的新火花,里面更是加入了里拉琴和拉乌托琴的演奏。

Xylouris White曾在PJ Harvey、Lambchop和Ty Segall的演出中作为开场嘉宾亮相,并在美国、欧洲和澳洲进行巡回演出,登上过Big Ears和Supersonic等众多音乐节。

“The chemistry between Crete lutenist George Xylouris and former Dirty Three drummer Jim White makes for a thrilling musical foray into avant-garde folk.”  

The Guardian

Xylouris White is a musical collaboration formed in 2013 between Greek singer and laouto player George Xylouris and Australian drummer Jim White. Xylouris was born in Crete to a family of music and is highly skilled in playing and singing with the instrument, while White is best known as the drummer of the renowned rock band Dirty Three. The duo's music was described as a rich mix of “free-jazz, avant-rock and ages-old Greek folk traditions”.

For their debut album in 2014, Goats, Xylouris White compared themselves to the titular animals, wandering fearlessly through rough-hewn terrain. In 2016, they showed how far their vision can reach in the majestically expansive album Black Peak, named after a mountaintop in Crete. The duo’s exploratory instincts drive them further onwards to their third album, Mother, named to entertain the concept of “new life”. In their 2019 album The Sisypheans, they unravel the ancient musical tradition rooted in Crete still further. They add lyra and laouto in their latest all-instrumental album The Forest in Me in April 2023, which is an outcome of remote collaboration.

Xylouris White had performed opening shows for PJ Harvey, Lambchop, and Ty Segall, toured the United States, Europe, and Australia, and attended many festivals such as Big Ears and Supersonic Festival.

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Earlier Event: June 10
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Later Event: June 10
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