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所罗门群岛'Are'are族的音乐 'Are'are Music

  • B10现场 B10 Live Building C2, North District of OCT-LOFT Shenzhen Shi, Guangdong Sheng, 518000 China (map)

导演 Director: Hugo Zemp

年份 Year:1979

时长 Length:141 min

语言 Language:英语 English

字幕 Subtitles:中文 Chinese,英文 English


1969至1970年间,Hugo Zemp进行了他在所罗门群岛的首次田野调查,随后出版了三张LP唱片。这些唱片让世界听到了一种在群岛之外鲜为人知的音乐,并展示了它极其复杂的器乐与声乐复调中无与伦比的美感。

作为音乐研究者,Zemp深深为'Are'are族音乐类型的丰富性和多样性所震撼,认为绝对有必要进一步以视觉的方式去记录,以详细展示所有演奏技巧、表演者的身体动作以及演奏者与舞者之间的空间协调。于是他分别在1974和1976年再度来到所罗门群岛,并在这两次田野调查中完成了两部影片的拍摄——'Are'are MusicShaping Bamboo

在此次放映的'Are'are Music中,包含了对'Are'are族所有20种音乐类型的全面盘点,并根据本土的分类法进行了编排,还附有在当地德高望重的音乐大师'Irisipau的讲解。

“在提到Hugo Zemp花费多年完成的关于'Are'are族的系列作品时,我们很难抗拒使用最高级的形容词……即便是对于我们这些一直以来都在关注声音文献整理工作缓慢进程的人来说,所罗门群岛上这种迄今为止鲜为人知的音乐文化的独特性、复杂性和其中个性的艺术表达都是一个非凡的惊喜,而Zemp清晰详实的记录进一步开阔了我们的眼界。”

——民族音乐学家Robert Gafias,《民族音乐学》期刊

This is a fascinating documentation of the traditional musical culture of the 'Are'are people of the Solomon Islands, in Melanesia, South-Western Pacific.

The three LP records published after a first one-year field-research in 1969–70 revealed a completely unknown music (outside of the Solomon Islands) of an exceptional beauty and complexity in its instrumental and vocal polyphonies. It seemed to Hugo Zemp, the researcher, who was struck by the great richness and diversity of musical types, an absolute necessity to document visually what had been published on sound recordings, showing in detail all the playing techniques, body movements of performers, and spatial coordination of music ensembles and dancers. He filmed 'Are'are Music and Shaping Bamboo during his next two field trips in 1974–75 and 1976–77.

'Are'are Music consists of a comprehensive inventory of all the twenty musical genres of the 'Are'are people and is structured according to native classification, along with explanations by master musician 'Irisipau.

“It is difficult to resist superlatives when considering the entire volume of Hugo Zemp's 'Are'are work over the years… Even to those of us who had been observing the gradual increase in sound documentation, the uniqueness, complexity, and articulation of this heretofore little-known musical culture existing on one of the Solomon Islands was a phenomenal surprise, and this revelation was further enhanced by the clarity and thoroughness of Zemp's documentation of it.”

— Robert Garfias, Ethnomusicology

Hugo Zemp

Hugo Zemp是一位瑞士籍法国民族音乐学家,1937年生于瑞士巴塞尔。在超过半个世纪的职业生涯中,他拍摄了超过20部纪录片,作品涉及非洲音乐、所罗门群岛音乐、瑞士约德尔调、蒙古的双声唱法(也称为呼麦)和格鲁吉亚音乐等。

Hugo Zemp is a Swiss-French ethnomusicologist born in Basel, Switzerland in 1937. In a career spanning more than half a century, he has made more than 20 documentaries on African music, Solomon Islands music, Swiss yodeling, Mongolian biphonic singing (also known as Khoomei) and Georgian music, among others.

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