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Alan Lomax公寓里的民歌、布鲁斯与蓝草音乐 Ballads Blues & Bluegrass

Alan Lomax公寓里的民歌、布鲁斯与蓝草音乐
Ballads Blues & Bluegrass
美国 U.S.A.

时间 Time
2019.05.19 14:00 - 15:00

场地 Venue
华侨城创意文化园北区A3+ A3+, North District of OCT-LOFT

影片信息 Movie Information
导演 Director: Alan Lomax
摄像 Cinematographer: George Pick
录音 Sound Recording: Jean Ritchie
剪辑 Editor: Anna Lomax Wood
制片 Producer:  Alan Lomax, George Pickow, Jean Ritchie
修复及DVD出品 Restoration & DVD: John Melville Bishop
年份 Year:摄于1961年,修复及出版于2012年 Shot in 1961, restored and released in 2012
时长 Length:60分钟 60 min
语言 Language:英语 English
字幕 Subtitle:无 None

上世纪六十年代,在纽约的格林威治村,一场生机勃勃的民间音乐复兴正在热火朝天地进行,当时的民间音乐家组织Friends of Old Time Music把一系列美国战前的传统音乐巨匠带到了城市听众的面前,并以此为自己的使命。他们在1961年至1965年间举办了14场音乐会,邀请了一众才华横溢的音乐家——他们当中有不少是第一次,或者是许多年来的第一次,来到纽约这座大城市表演。美国民俗音乐厂牌Folkways Records在1964年出版了同名合集唱片《Friends of Old Time Music》,收录了1961到1963年间这些音乐会的部分现场录音。

Alan Lomax在1961年Roscoe Holcomb、 Clarence Ashley和Doc Watson的一系列音乐会之后,邀请这三位音乐家和许多民间音乐复兴运动的重要人物,来到他位于纽约西三街的公寓,展开了一场即兴弹唱会。演出被匆匆记录下来,这部影片却向观众展示了那个时代未经雕琢的、层次丰富的音乐艺术与创作态度。聚集在Alan Lomax公寓里的,不乏那个时代最负盛名的音乐家和“老资格”们:Memphis Slim、Willie Dixon、Jean Ritchie、Ernie Marrs、Peter LaFarge、Ramblin' Jack Elliott、Guy Carawan、Greenbriar Boys、New Lost City Ramblers……

那个时代的录音被保存下来的有很多,动态影像却寥寥无几。因此,《Alan Lomax公寓里的民歌、布鲁斯与蓝草音乐》是一部不可多得的珍贵影片,让那个短暂而传奇的时代在镜头里永远留存。2012年,在这部影片拍摄的51年之后,它终于以DVD的形式首次面世了。

2012年,该影片在洛杉矶电影节首映。Alan Lomax成立的文化平等协会促成了这部影片的出版和首映,美国民俗纪录片导演John Melville Bishop的公司Media Generation则负责出版其DVD,将其中的乐趣与启迪传递给每一位观众。

此次放映分为两部分,第一部分为《Alan Lomax公寓里的民歌,布鲁斯与蓝草音乐》,第二部分为影片的制作历程。John Melville Bishop修复了这部影片,并在2010年拍摄和采访了与这部影片相关的两位人物——摄像师George Pickow和The New Lost City Ramblers的吉他手John Cohen,与大家一起回忆当初公寓里的那场演出。

关于Alan Lomax
音乐学家、作家、制作人,1915年出生于美国德克萨斯洲的奥斯汀。Alan Lomax花了超过60年的时间推广世界各地的民间音乐。1933年,他跟随父亲开始了他的职业生涯。其父为民俗学先驱John Avery Lomax,著有畅销书《牛仔歌曲和其他边境歌谣》(1910)。1934年,父子二人开始致力于扩增国会图书馆的美国民间音乐档案馆(成立于1928年)馆藏,他们跨越美国南部、西南部、中西部和东北部,还有海地和巴哈马,收集了数以千计的田野录音资料。

这些收集工作,也催生了他们后来的数本具有深刻影响力的美国民歌著述,包括1934年的《美国民谣歌曲集》、1936年的《铅肚皮演唱的黑人民歌》——史上首本关于一位美国民间歌手的深度传记式研究、1941年的《歌唱之乡》(与Ruth Crawford Seeger合著)和1948年的《美国民歌》。

Alan Lomax最伟大的遗产,莫过于保存和出版了大量欧美民歌和布鲁斯传统音乐家的录音。被他发掘并引荐给无数听众的音乐家,包括布鲁斯吉他手Robert Johnson、民歌唱作人/吉他手Woody Guthrie、民歌歌手Pete Seeger、乡村歌手Burl Ives和乡村布鲁斯歌手“铅肚皮”Lead Belly等等。

Alan Lomax曾是国会图书馆的美国民间音乐档案馆的副馆长和访问学者,哥伦比亚广播公司的电台总监兼制作人,英国广播公司(伦敦)的电台总监兼制作人,美国、英国和意大利的民歌档案馆的编辑者,有着20年录音和歌曲表演的研究经验,以及30年对歌舞表演的突出性和冗余性的比较研究经验。

1984年,Alan Lomax被里根总统授予美国国家荣誉艺术奖章;1993年,其纪录片《布鲁斯起源之地》被全美书评人协会奖评为最佳非虚构类作品;1995年,他获得国际民俗联盟终身成就奖;2001年被美国杜兰大学授予哲学系荣誉博士;2000年被国会图书馆宣布为的“活着的传奇”;2003年被追授格莱美理事奖。Alan Lomax于1996年退休,并与其女儿及外孙在弗罗里达生活,直到2002年6月19日与世长辞。

In the early 1960s, when Greenwich Village was bursting with a folk music revival, the Friends of Old Time Music made it their mission to introduce urban audience to some of the legends of pre-war American traditional music. After a 1961 series of concerts featuring Roscoe Holcomb, Clarence Ashley and Doc Watson, Alan Lomax invited the artists and a who’s who of the folk revival back to his West 3rd Street apartment for an impromptu song swap. Filming was arranged on the fly and a raw, many-layered evocation of the art and attitude of the period emerges from the footage, with some of the biggest names of the era, old timers and revivalists alike: Memphis Slim, Willie Dixon, Jean Ritchie, Ernie Marrs, Peter LaFarge, Ramblin' Jack Elliott, Guy Carawan, the Greenbriar Boys, and the New Lost City Ramblers.

Ballads Blues & Bluegrass is a remarkable portrait of a brief but fabled era that was widely documented in recordings but all too under-represented in moving image. This DVD is the film’s first release in any form.

The premiere of the film was at Los Angeles Film Festival 2012. The Association for Cultural Equity made the film possible and has promoted it as well as staging the premier. John Melville Bishop’s Media Generation was responsible for putting it on DVD for our enjoyment, and not a small bit of enlightenment. 

The screening includes 2 parts - Ballads Blues & Bluegrass, and The Making Of Ballads Blues & Bluegrass. John Melville Bishop restored the original film and filmed new interviews with cinematographer George Pickow and the New Lost City Ramblers' John Cohen, reflecting on the film in 2010.

Alan Lomax
Musicologist, writer, and producer Alan Lomax (b. Austin, Texas, 1915) spent over six decades working to promote knowledge and appreciation of the world’s folk music. He began his career in 1933 alongside his father, the pioneering folklorist John Avery Lomax, author of the best-selling Cowboy Songs and Other Frontier Ballads (1910). In 1934, the two launched an effort to expand the holdings of recorded folk music at the Archive of American Folk Song at the Library of Congress (established 1928), gathering thousands of field recordings of folk musicians throughout the American South, Southwest, Midwest, and Northeast, as well as in Haiti and the Bahamas. Their collecting resulted in several popular and influential anthologies of American folk songs, including American Ballads and Folk Songs (New York: Macmillan, 1934); Negro Folk Songs as Sung by Lead Belly (New York: Macmillan, 1936), the first in-depth biographical study of an American folk musician; Our Singing Country (with Ruth Crawford Seeger) (1941); and Folk Songs USA (1948).

Lomax's greatest legacy is in preserving and publishing recordings of musicians in many folk and blues traditions around the US and Europe. Among the artists Lomax is credited with discovering and bringing to a wider audience include blues guitarist Robert Johnson,  singer-songwriter and guitarist Woody Guthrie, folk singer Pete Seeger, country musician Burl Ives, and country blues singer Lead Belly, among many others.

Lomax was the Assistant Director of the Archive of American Folk Song at the Library of Congress and Visiting Scholar (1979); Director-Producer for CBS (radio); Director-Producer for BBC (radio) London; compiler of folksong archives for the United States, Great Britain, and Italy; twenty years of recording and studying the performance of song; thirty years of comparative research on the prominent, redundant features of song and dance performance.

Alan Lomax received the National Medal of Arts from President Reagan in 1984; the National Book Critics’ Circle Award for Nonfiction for The Land Where the Blues Began (1993); the Folk Alliance Lifetime Achievement Award (1995); an Honorary Doctorate in Philosophy from Tulane University (2001); and a posthumous Grammy Trustees’ Award in 2003. In 2000 he was made a Library of Congress Living Legend. He retired in 1996 to live in Florida with his daughter and grandson, and died there on July 19, 2002.

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