武汉人气女声摇滚Meat Sucks米特夏克乐队<Punch!×3>2014全国巡演深圳站
时间:2014.11.09 周日 20:30
场地:B10现场 http://www.b10live.cn
武汉人气女声另类摇滚Meat Sucks米特夏克乐队<Punch!×3>2014中国巡演即将展开!他们是近年来武汉最让人惊艳的新生代摇滚乐队,在极具仪式感的磅礴编曲中抽丝剥茧出敏感的情绪女声。在11月他们将开始11站的中国巡演!
2013年发行首张正式EP《START OVER/新的开始》受到多方关注,被誉为近年来武汉最让人惊艳的新生代摇滚乐队!
带着超越年龄的成稳大气与独有的氛围气质Meat Sucks米特夏克即将开始名为"PUNCH!PUNCH!PUNCH!"的全国巡演,寓意他们的新声如同一记重拳,打破沉默的现状!
嘉宾乐队:Soul of Ears、惊林
Soul of Ears
Soul Of Ears组成于2010年6月下旬,乐队以Metal-Core(金属)为蓝本,现加入Electronica(电子乐)的元素,两者均等置入歌曲中,以爆炸力的鼓配双踩连踏,加上吉他紧密的旋律节奏,强悍的嘶吼点着叫人心血来潮的电子乐,这就是Soul of Ears!
“灵魂(Soul)”藏于人体之内并主宰自我,但当我们随着霎时间流逝,灵魂也会随之溜走。“Soul of Ears”把灵魂注入歌曲之间,希望能唤醒活在万千世代的人群,让人们拾回已失去的灵魂。
“成立于学生时代,几经变迁,坚持至今,只为热爱的音乐和珍贵的友谊。因骨子里的顽强,选择了重金属;因心中的血性,选择去抨击。我们自知螳臂当车,但我们已在路上 !”这是惊林乐队在豆瓣主页上为自己写的简介。抱着这种信念,十年下来惊林乐队已经小有名气。他们不仅参加了大大小小的演出,还在零一、荔枝王、门生、左右等国内大牌乐队来深的演出中担任过暖场乐队,今年还受邀参加了深圳迷笛音乐节,登上了分量最重的舞台。
Wuhan Female Vocal Rock Band Meat Sucks <Punch!X3> 2014 China Tour Shenzhen Station
Time: 2014.11.09 Sunday 20:30
Venue: B10 Live http://www.b10live.cn
Add: North Side of Building B10, North District, OCT-LOFT, Nanshan District, Shenzhen
Tel: 0755 86337602 (15:00-18:00, info only)
Organizer: OCT-LOFT Culture Development Co., Ltd
Admittance starts at 20:00.
Open area with several seats on both sides for resting purpose.
Fare: Presale 40 RMB; At Door 50 RMB
※Presale service available until 17:00 on the day.
①Entity: Old Heaven Books (120#, A5, North District of OCT-LOFT)
②Online: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=41720044053
Please send the following information to midori.b10@gmail.com at least ONE DAY before the concert:
1.Name 2.Phone number 3.Date of the concert 4.Quantity of tickets
Ticket reservation will be closed 15 minutes before the show starts, please pick up your ticket at B10 Live in time.
3/At Door: B10 Live
※Starts at 19:30 on the day.
Meat Sucks Band from Wuhan, China is the most cenozoic era representative rock band which formed in October 2010.The one and only emotion girl's voice, clean and pure melody mixed with Post-hardcore arrangements, make this young band standing in front of the most cenozoic era Rock Band in Wuhan.
Insist on fierce Instrumental arrangements and pure girl voice created a conflict. Use international music feeling and young live show make numerous fans fall in love with this band.
Their first self-titled demo published in 2011 showed an amazing explosive power. The same sensitivity with Young Werther but Not quite suitable riots become their signature music temperament.
In 2013, they came back in a new team and shocked again, signed the album deal with famous domestic SCREAM-RECORDS Company. Published the first formal EP “Start Over”.
Beyond the age of the stable atmosphere, with the unique atmosphere of temperament and solemn ceremony declared to return, they have been changed in past three years.
Nearly hundred live shows experience make this band become the focus of music media attention both at home and abroad quickly.
The Strawberry Festival last stage is to let the limelight of rock band attracting nearly thousands of fans.
Guest Band: Soul of Ears, Jing Lin
Soul of Ears
Soul of Ears is a band that plays Metal-Core and Electronica. They believe that good music comes from the Soul and focus on their own music styles.
Fear Forest
Founded and based in Shenzhen, Jing Lin had performed in live-houses all around Shenzhen and Hong Kong. They have also put shows in Shenzhen MIDI Festival and Zhuhai Beach Festival. Now, they will present their first album.
They cherish friendship and their loving music. The band members are Liu Jinglin, Shang Shiwei, Chen Xiaodong, Chen Min and Huang Jiabao.
More Information
Douban Site:http://site.douban.com/meatsucks/